If you could only have two lights...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 19, 2009
After you've tried out a few lights and learned what you like you generally (or I generally) end up with a few favorites that get most of the use.

If you had to get rid of most of your lights and only keep the two that are the most useful to you what would they be?

For me it would be the ITP A3 3 mode (AAA) mainly because it's lightweight and small and has a ring on the end. I keep it for when I want to wear it around the neck on a string (usually tucked inside my shirt and forgotten). That means I can do things hands-free and if I'm hiking/climbing or just working around the house/yard at night I can just put it on and forget it. It's the light that you actually have on you that is the most useful! With 3 modes prolonging runtime primary cells are all I need for this one.

The other light would be a P60 host (Uniquefire L2 in my case) with a XP-G R5 emitter and a forward clicky (reverse clicky replaced). The battery is a 18650. This light has a Thrunite 3 mode drop-in with a low, low as well as medium and high.

I could do without the other lights if necessary with these two lights. I have and like the Akoray K-109 3 mode programmable but I could eliminate another battery type by not using it and the other two would get the same job done. I have a thrower, like it, but don't need it.

What are your two and why?
Nitecore EX10 SP because of it's fat, little body, great beam pattern and the clip. Bright for a little thing as well.

Fenix TK40 for it's sheer versatility. I use it most next to my EX10. It's for walking the dog, seeing up into trees, checking the yard for possums, whatever. It's a GREAT light. O, and it's bright. VERY BRIGHT.
I'll just add (in case anyone wants to add this info) that when you mention the two lights and why it would be good to say what emitter the lights use as well the the batteries.

I know some/many people know these things about all of the popular lights out there but many (including me) don't. It would make the thread more interesting for those thinking about their own light choices to have that info available...just a suggestion. :)
If I could only have 2 lights that I already own (I'm continually wanting more lights since joining here)
Tank 007 HC316 whic is a 1xcr123 3 mode cree XRe P4 again edc, always in pocket or belt, low level for more run time, bright enough for general use.

the second is my Ultrafire WF1000l Powered by 2 x 18650 batteries, SSC P7 C-bin High Powered LED emitter, big smiles for not to much size There's a newer version now :shakehead

I have a charger that does RCR123's and 18650's so they cost next to nothing to run.
ITP A2 Stainless (67.4 grams with battery) is perfect for EDC or the ordinary black version (48.4 grams with battery) if you are worried about the weight.

Either the Solarforce L2 (3-mode) or L2i with 5mm spacer fitted (3-mode) ... Both in the gorgeous sand colour and both using 18650 cells ... Small bezel fitted to make them pocket-friendly ... L2i will tailstand if needed... L2 with small bezel and 18650 battery is 157.0 grams will still fit in a jacket pocket OK.
ITP A2 Stainless (67.4 grams with battery) is perfect for EDC or the ordinary black version (48.4 grams with battery) if you are worried about the weight.

Either the Solarforce L2 (3-mode) or L2i with 5mm spacer fitted (3-mode) ... Both in the gorgeous sand colour and both using 18650 cells ... Small bezel fitted to make them pocket-friendly ... L2i will tailstand if needed... L2 with small bezel and 18650 battery is 157.0 grams will still fit in a jacket pocket OK.

So, I believe the ITP A2 would be using a XP-E and AA batteries and the Solarforce L2 must be using a XR-E R2 as I don't believe Solarforce currently has a 3 mode XP-G.
1) My keychain light as EDC. Millermoded Arc AAA. Picture on the left.

2) My 4AA general purpose house light upgraded with a Tectite LPR3 or Terralux TLE-1F. Picture lower left.

My P7 lights will have to go. Maybe the brightest but not the most practical in general use.
I'll choose my eagletac P20c2 MkII cos it's proven itself to do everything I'll ever need despite it being three quarters of an inch longer than I really want. It's bright when I need it and quite brigth on medium for long runtime too. For the rare occasion that I might need a low it's got one of them too. For my second torch I'll choose another of the same or a box of matches.
2 lights that I would pick out of my current lights:thinking:...well, I would say my Fenix PD30 and my....how about 3 lights???? I like my ITP A6 Polestar for its medium throw and it massive spill,and my MG RX-1 for it's good amount of throw. Sorry, two just doesn't seem enough.
2 lights that I would pick out of my current lights:thinking:...well, I would say my Fenix PD30 and my....how about 3 lights????


Two lights is not fair, it makes me feel unhappy :shakehead

The idea of selecting 4 lights would be more appealing - I could leave one keychain, one small EDC and one bigger thrower and I would still have one choice left... :D
From my list of lights, although I do have two lights that should arrive at my doorstep this week (ZebraLight H501w and a Kaidomain Tough Tactic R2) and a pre-ordered MiNi AA, I may have to update my post once I get them and played with them a bit.

I do like the following:
  • Eagletac T20C2NW (XR-E Q4) with or without the diffuser powered with an 18650
  • Quark AA² Tactical-NW (XR-E Q3) with a Fenix AD401 diffuser powered with 2 AA batteries

They both share the following qualities:

  • Good throw, in the case of the T20C2, awesome throw
  • The ability to use a diffuser if you need a 'wall of light'
  • The different modes allows the user to balance the need for run-time/low light and a bright light if the situation requires it
  • Simple UI
  • Great tints

A very close third, surprisingly, is the UltraFire C2 (MC-E). After I had created a diffused lens (sanded down the glass lens), it produces a great, general-use-around-the-house beam. It loses a lot of the throw, but the beam is more useful to me now. The hot-spot is basically no longer there and the secondary low mode is really good for close up tasks. It doesn't make my top 2 because, to go from a diffused beam to a thrower, I'd have to take the head apart and swap lenses - that takes too much effort.
As of January, I only have 2 main lights:

I am very happy with my itp A1 on my keychain. 3 modes, 200 lumens max in a nice floody pattern covers almost all of my lighting needs.

For a second light, I have an XTAR Outrider, but any 400+ lumen class of light would work that has multiple modes. That lets you really crank the lumens when necessary, and still have a comfortable light with longer runtime. This second light would have more throw than the keychain one.
Great question.

I would probably go with:

1) Zebralight SC50 (XP-E R2) powered by a single 14500 (193 lumens on max). This is the most compact clicky I have and I love the way the clip grabs on just right on the pocket and yet it's small enough to just drop all the way into the pocket. Great UI that is quick click from a blast on in high or 1 second hold click to come on directly in low and a great beam to boot.

2) Eagletac T100C2 (XP-E Q5) powered by a single 18650 (220 lumens on max). This is my thrower light and I love that this thing can get me 3 hours of runtime on high on a single 18650. I got mine with the tailstand cap and absolutely love using this light in candle mode. Great forward clicky for momentary on which is still easily accessible even with the extended tailstand cap. At 141mm, it's big enough to be a general use light but yet small enough to not be burdensome. Great simple UI. My only complaint is that it doesn't have a low mode (Turbo = 220 lum, General = 55 lum).

I have a Nitecore D10 on the way so I'll be interested to see if can overtake the SC50 as my #1 AA/14500 powered light. I'm also looking at the Zebralight H31 (XP-G R5) on a single CR123 as I think this headlight will make the perfect EDC (it has a reflector and is not pure flood) as it may be the smallest clicky available at only 65mm in length (2.57 inches)...and 1 of my 2 lights should probably have a floody beam.
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I agree with Yavox on having 4 choices. So, if you only had 2 you will find excuses to need 4 because this one does this better than that one and on and on it will go. Just make a Flashlight Belt and be done with it.
Of all my budget lights these 2 get the most use...

Zebralight H501
Mag 2D-ROP (3853 bulbs)

Neither are terribly expensive and IMHO worthy of discussion in this sub-forum.
Hard choice deciding on the first one ITP A3 or Nextorch K1??

OK the ITP A3 wins due to 3 modes.

Second is easy the Terralux Lightstar 100 ( I have better and brighter ) but I just like the the way the light works,it fits my hand like a glove and is nice and rugged.

2 good budget lights I enjoy the most.
Out of my budget lights (seeing as it's the budget sub forum) I'd definately keep my Ultrafire C3 Stainless Steel Cree Q5-WC 5-Mode, and my Romisen RC-N3 Q5.

..... however, funnily enough I've recently given BOTH these lights to my girlfriend, but have another UF C3 on it's way, and an RC-N3 II R4.

Of all my lights, I couldn't part with my Surefire E1L which I've just become more and more attatched to. I'm not sure which other I'd choose, I still like the Fenix TK10 but I use my mix-n-match Solarforce L2 (with 18650's) a lot more, so I'll go with that over all my more expensive lights.


Solarforce L2 / and a Solarforce L2 :whistle:

L2M and L2i to be specific ..

L2M could run 2xAAA or 2xAA or CR123A Primary or RCR123A or 18650
L2i = AAA - AA - and just about everything up to 18650

In fact I do have those 2 lights ... And Im not giving up the rest ..
But if one were traveling , id pack the two L2's .

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