Here's the deal. Most of the converter boards I have designed to date have been targeted for CPF or custom for a specific CPF'ers light, but, driven by my best guess at what would be accepted by CPF. When there was no converter boards available anything was acceptable since in the beginning there was a vacuum and void. Today that is no longer the case.
Going forward I would like your input on what converter would you desire the most. I'll list some that I have on the plate that are either concept (idea only) or in process. Your ideas/thoughts may become the next product from the shoppe.
GDuP. Take the GD buck/boost and add a uP on it. The UI I would propose is a simple on state timing with three levels (low, med, high). The current thought would be to put the microprocessor on the backside of the GD. This additional height along with a dedicated blank anode contact board would still be mountable in the current Aleph Light engines allowing the three level UI to be upgraded into existing Alephs or E series lights.
Restrictions: Single Lithium cell only. (Primary and rechargeable)
Current state: Just starting preliminary dual board prototype.
Hammerhead: Next generation Shark. The microprocessor would be included on the board. Dimensions would grow and it would probably be a square board and not round. A large plane on the back along with a couple of holes would allow bolting a heatsink and allow mounting the board/heatsink to a larger heat sink assembly. The microprocessor would accomodate the power switch for input, dedicated rotary switch and a dedicated analog pot for diverse application usage.
Current state: Concept only.
LED clock: A redesign of my LED clock I made after I graduated from High School. Integrate an atomic clock receiver for accurate time all the time and simplify assembly and costs.
Current State: Concept only
BBM: New X2 driver for Don's Lunasol project. The base design is the original Badboy driver put on the X2 driver footprint. Will drive 6 3mm LEDs off a single primary Lithium battery.
Current state: Completed prototype and testing. Moving into production.
So, that's it. I can't divulge too much information. I would like to hear or discuss any other ideas.
I'd like to also have you think about your idea. Making a single converter board for your custom upgrade of the light you are holding in your hand right now will more than likely not be feasible. Making a converter board that many people beyond just the one is more like feasible. It takes quantity to make it into a production part.
Let the discussions begin.
Going forward I would like your input on what converter would you desire the most. I'll list some that I have on the plate that are either concept (idea only) or in process. Your ideas/thoughts may become the next product from the shoppe.
GDuP. Take the GD buck/boost and add a uP on it. The UI I would propose is a simple on state timing with three levels (low, med, high). The current thought would be to put the microprocessor on the backside of the GD. This additional height along with a dedicated blank anode contact board would still be mountable in the current Aleph Light engines allowing the three level UI to be upgraded into existing Alephs or E series lights.
Restrictions: Single Lithium cell only. (Primary and rechargeable)
Current state: Just starting preliminary dual board prototype.
Hammerhead: Next generation Shark. The microprocessor would be included on the board. Dimensions would grow and it would probably be a square board and not round. A large plane on the back along with a couple of holes would allow bolting a heatsink and allow mounting the board/heatsink to a larger heat sink assembly. The microprocessor would accomodate the power switch for input, dedicated rotary switch and a dedicated analog pot for diverse application usage.
Current state: Concept only.
LED clock: A redesign of my LED clock I made after I graduated from High School. Integrate an atomic clock receiver for accurate time all the time and simplify assembly and costs.
Current State: Concept only
BBM: New X2 driver for Don's Lunasol project. The base design is the original Badboy driver put on the X2 driver footprint. Will drive 6 3mm LEDs off a single primary Lithium battery.
Current state: Completed prototype and testing. Moving into production.
So, that's it. I can't divulge too much information. I would like to hear or discuss any other ideas.
I'd like to also have you think about your idea. Making a single converter board for your custom upgrade of the light you are holding in your hand right now will more than likely not be feasible. Making a converter board that many people beyond just the one is more like feasible. It takes quantity to make it into a production part.
Let the discussions begin.