I'm 23. What should I do with $10,000 dollars?


Apr 25, 2005
Oceanside, CA
Well, just like the title said, I need some advice as to what to do with some money I recently acquired. Any advice will be very appreciated. I understand it's easier to make money once you have money, so I would like to invest in some risky stocks. You all seem to be very smart and successful so I trust you will have some great advice! Thanks.

Dan K
Personally, I'd play it safe and stick it in a 8-14 month CD (whichever has the best rate, 5+%).

....or more flashlights....
Health insurance. Stocks and bonds. Begin retirement fund. Kill any outstanding debts. Maybe bump up your profesional qualifications. And splurge on one good light ;)
Take out $200 for mad money. Then go to the Vanguard site and check out their various mutual funds. Low fees and a solid reputation. Put the rest in an indexed stock and/or bond mutual fund (they have lots of mixes of these two).

So far so good, I will check out the vanguard site. I definitely plan on talking to some of my business professors to find out their input. I want to buy a nice light but I should start a new thread for that!
Dittos on the retirement fund. The time value of coumpound interest can do amazing things. Do some tests at any of the online retirement calculators. I recall seeeing an example once, I may have some of the numbers wrong but the basic idea is what matters, where $10K invested just once at age 20 would yeild the same retirement amount as a person who started investing $10K PER YEAR from age 50 until retirement.
I agree with nerdgineer 100% on Vanguard---the lowest fees, quality products, especially the index funds, and integrity. Start now and you will still be with them (and a lot richer) when you reach retirement age some day.

And Don Shock is right about the tremendous effects of compounding when you start saving at a young age. Here's the calculator I use: http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/calcs/n_savapp/main.asp Run some numbers and you will be amazed.
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First and foremost: Buy yourself a really nice flashlight.
Second: Payoff any high intrest debts, like credit cards and such. Not doing this and investing the money, may still yield net losses. Not smart.
Third: Invest. Don't go after the high risk investments. be smart with the money.
Fourth: Unless you have a major debt to pay, Take no more than 15% of that money and go enjoy yourself with it. Live a little today, but be ready for tomorrow.
FWIW, John
Vanguard. In an indexed fund with multibalance. But I would lean more to the funds with significant offshore (China, India) components.
Well you are still young so the best advice I can give you is to blow it all go on a trip to Europe or SA just have fun with it. When I was your age I went down to Mexico for 6 month and spend all my money on hookers and booze. I'm glad I did that because I had fun while I still could. These days i wouldn't have the health or the energy:party: to do that but I managed to make much much more money. The problem is when you get older you can't enjoy it like you could when you were younger. Have fun :devil::nana:
Not bad advice from knifemaster. Just depends on where you're heads at and where you want to go.

By conservatively investing some of it, you'll alway have your "f-you money" under the mattress (meaning you can more easily walk away from bad employment, relationships, etc). That's a freedom not many people enjoy.
start a business.
the money can buy you some supplies and help you to live off of while you are picking up business.
mine almost never made it off the ground.
i went to my parents for money and got denied thinking i wouldn't stick to it.
thankfully i put $1500 in supplies on my cc and now five years later have a sucessful windshield repair and interior repair business catering to car dealers in d.c. area
just pick something you like or could do and go for it.
i was your age when i started mine and would never turn back.
Not bad advice from knifemaster. Just depends on where you're heads at and where you want to go.

By conservatively investing some of it, you'll alway have your "f-you money" under the mattress (meaning you can more easily walk away from bad employment, relationships, etc). That's a freedom not many people enjoy.

Ok :poof: 5K fun 5K savings :devil:
If you have any outstanding high-interest debts pay those off first, then put as much as you can in a Roth IRA. I think you can put in a maximum of either $4K a year, or your earned income, whichever is less. Invest the IRA money in a couple of decent mutual funds. After the initial $10,000 runs out, continue investing the maximum annually in a Roth IRA from your other income. The money will grow tax-free, and you will be able to take it out tax-free starting at age 59 and a half. If you do this consistently for your entire working career, you should retire a multimillionaire.
You're still young, it ALL needs to be spent on Women, Booze and Toys. After it's all gone, you can spend some time wishing you invested it more wisely.

Buy a light, pay off and CC debt and put the remainder in an etrade complete savings account. It is high yield (5.1%) and safe.