What do I do if some ones ac unit and sheds is on my property ?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
I don't care it's a nice lady but if she sells I want my land back
Go to the Courthouse and get a copy of your property drawing, find the property pins with a cheap metal detector and if it is on your land notify the property owner in writing that you allow the "encroachment" for $1/year.

I did that with my first house where 3 feet of the neighbor's driveway was on my land. The lady laughed at me and never did pay me the $1 a year but when I sold the place the property deed showed the encroachment.
been to court house this am and the hoa office both show what is my land even used a gps app her stuff is on my land but it dont bother me at all till i sell hect maybe even the corner of her home is on my land lol
Now I will have more yard work lol


  • PXL_20240226_225950556.jpg
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Thanks for the picture.

Tell her that your friends say she needs to move those sheds to her property because of liability if something happens on your property. It's nothing personal.

Maybe her son Jimbob can use his Dodge Ram and just pull it off your land.
been to court house this am and the hoa office both show what is my land even used a gps app her stuff is on my land but it dont bother me at all till i sell hect maybe even the corner of her home is on my land lol

Do yourself a favor by reading the following. - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/adverse-possession.asp

Having her sheds on your property might not be an issue for you at this time, however, you paid for the property her sheds are located on, she is making use of the property you are paying property tax on, and she might take the property from you in the future.

Having the sheds on your property (an encroachment) could hinder the sale of your home if/when you decide to move. Now is the time to act.

The encroachment should have been disclosed before you purchased the property.
My lot is odd shaped but way better then my old one.. old one I only owned what was in my walls of my home that sucked lol this is only 34 feet in front and 74 in rear. I think sides are like 220 feet so itsaodd shape .and I'm having issues getting grass to growing rear but I cut much brush down and Limbs so I'll have more sun this years soon as I. An afford grass seed illl try lol .or I'll just do pine straw looks ugly now
Raggie - I agree with Chauncey Gardiner. Get it sorted now or it will bite you on the haras in years to come. I don't know how property purchase is done over there but surely the encroachment was spotted by the legal process when you bought the land? Surely the organisations involved have some legal obligations to you?

We had something similar on my daughter's property a few years back. You have to be prepared to go all legally Ghengis Khan to protect your rights. Otherwise people spit on your rights.
Dang why do eople do this stuff lol. Ps it wasn't easy to find the land marks or zones what ever you call them but my measured ones lined right up with the GPS app. Since it wasn't square it wasn't easy so I used sting then found GPS app one phone and I was pretty much dead on .BTW damn gpsis a accurate I tested it over and over even found the poles that marked my land. Buy omg darn thorn brush socks lol. Here in South GA its like barb wires but worse
Hate those thorny vines! Put a nice pool in backyard at my Florida house and the inspector found the construction crews forms were a few inches into the 7 ft easement which provides 14 total feet of space between neighbors. It was corrected.
A new neighbor put curbing in and about 8 huge queen palms for a barrier. Using up all 7 ft of their easement??? I complained and the Home owners assc told me to pound sand.
We have these things called hurricanes and those palms were towering over my $20,000 screened in pool. That's $20k for just the enclosure. Bad winds one year had them leaning over the pool and not to mention they blocked out the sun big time.
In the end the neighbor saw the insurance claim that was gonna happen sooner or later and removed them all. Some people are just stupid.
When i say stupid they then built a fence. Their dog would poop all over their screened in porch to the point it stunk when the wind was just right.
Problem also was home owners don't allow a fence to extend down to the lake. They did it anyway and we lost some of our lake view. Once again i'm pounding sand.
Neighbor disputes are a pain in the ***. Glad i don't live there anymore. Have great neighbors here and no home owners association to deal with.
Hire a surveyor to stake off your entire property.
We have a odd shaped lot and found out that not one neighbor was cheating, it was three of them.
The people we purchased the property from were obviously not that sharp, but I didn't think they were that dumb.
I feel like Reggie you need to post in your thread so we can keep up with the soap opera of your life. I'm lost as I didn't know the first part of the story.
If you want me to I'll do so my friend can you move it. I don't know how to even find my thread lol or move it there'll.