can i move a cable tap box thats on my property?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
its in a bad place for me. can i make them move it? or move it my self? just like 2 feet over
It may depend on your state law, but personally, I would not touch it.

1. Not your property, belongs to the cable company
2. The cable company likely has a permanent right of way to have the box there on your property
3. If you fool with it, they may cancel your service if you have their service
4. You could disrupt your neighbors service if you move it, this will not endear you to your neighbors.
5. You could get into legal problems if you mess with it (who needs (expensive) legal problems?)
6. If you ask nicely, the cable company may be happy to move it for you.

Give the company a call, and see what they will do. If they refuse, contact an attorney, and see what can be done.
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There's likely not enough slack in the cable to move it 2 feet unless you dig up several dozen feet in each direction to get to the cables then dig a trench next to that leading to where you want the box to go.

Convincing them to move it? It might be easier to find an honest politician than coax them into moving it. But it never hurts to ask, right?
iroincaly ive almost hit it a few times. spent weeks removing these stupid rocks so i can park my bikes in back yard then noticed i cant get by cable box easly lol
What would be the outcome if you accidentally backed your car over it?
these rocks btw there was had to be over one ton of them. not sure why they put them there . and why so dang many. but for real you cant even push a bike thru them…


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dang that sucks but im glad i asked. its in the worst dang place i cant get by it easly
Is this a wall-mounted box or a pedestal on the ground? If it's wall mounted and it's only using RG-6 or RG-11 cl-ax, I suspect it would be easy for them to move it. If it has the larger hardline trunk feeding it, that would complicate things a bit. And if it's a pedestal. it's probably not gonna happen.
its a green tower looking thing. good news is my internet is good. bad news it in the worst spot .
That's what I was afraid of. It's a major expense to move one of those, even just a few feet. It requires extending the underground trench and all of the cables feeding it, including the hardline which is around 3/4" in diameter, which is not a simple thing to splice onto.

Sorry Raggie. I feel your pain though.
dang lol moving them rocks sucked.. im not a young man. guess ill try other side of home more rocks lol..
That's telephone. Call your local phone company and ask does it even work anymore. Your lines may all be fiber optic and that thing is no longer being used.

Or you can call a service called "miss utility and the phone company will paint lines where the lines are live. Tell them you're putting in a flower bed near it or putting up a fence. Miss Utility is a service where utility companies mark the location of lines that someone is about to dig near.
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think it will be hard to get grass to grow there? i went to buy grass seed. but i thought it would be like a few bucks per bag it was like 40 bucksba bag lol . plus they said it wont even grow this time of year.. think i can just transplant grass from back yard to there? it has to be able to be ran over buy my bikes and motorcycle