I work in an adult and pediatric trauma center in NYC and in the last few years we are seeing so many more accidents, many serious ( brain bleeds and long bone fractures) due to E bikes/scooters.
parents don't realize how easy it is to remove the speed governors and the kids have no clue how invisible they are on the road. (Not to mention all those reckless drivers who don't follow any traffic rule)
Oh, no I'm going to take exception to that last part. Do you know how many times I've had to swerve out of the way from reckless/suicidal teens on those frickin' e-Bikes and e-scooters? Countless times heading to my 3rd Shift job at night. I've almost side-swiped several parked cars over this past year alone making sure I don't hit these fools who
NEVER obey traffic laws. Constantly fly past red lights without even literally pausing to see if there's on-coming traffic that has the right of way. This is on side streets where 25mph speed limits exist and are camera-enforced.
Mommy & Daddy happily buy them these things, stupidly thinking there's no difference between them and old-fashioned bicycles that require pedal-power. You know what they don't buy them? Helmets, elbow-pads, reflective vests. Some don't even bother getting a headlight installed on those things. They go outside to play, and being young and dumb just assume that drivers will automatically watch out for them, their dark colored "vehicle," and all their black clothes that make them look like modern-day ninjas! No-nothing, irresponsible, lazy excuses for parents who actually allow their Pride & Joy to ride at night. Again, no headlamp dressed as a ninja. Don't even bother telling their children to go upstairs and change into an outfit with bright colors so that at least drivers on the road will be able to see them from a bit of a distance.
Don't blame drivers, just because we don't end up being the ones injured in collisions with e-bikes and e-scooters. We're the ones who obey traffic laws. We're the ones who turn the lights on in our cars when driving at night. Blame the idiot parents who buy these things, give them to their kids, and just send them out there onto the streets with zero instructions and zero precautions.
I wouldn't be this upset if it wasn't for the fact that my mom has been comforting a young woman in our building for the last 2 weeks. The young woman being the driver of a car that struck an e-scooter teen who zipped right in front of her. Camera in her car shows she had the green light. Reckless teen wasn't hurt. Family tried to sue her until they learned she has a dash-mounted camera. But according to mom, this young woman is traumatized by the event. Has nightmares.
So don't blame drivers in NYC. We're not the problem. We get blamed for everything. Maybe if parents took their jobs as parents seriously, and maybe if the NYPD didn't turn a blind eye to everyone on an e-bike or e-scooter pretending that traffic laws don't apply to them; you'd see a lot less horrific trauma at your job.