Oj bit the big one

He is the first human I recall dieing and I'm glad lol I'm so sickof those I like dieing
Just wishing it happened in 1985. Sorry I'll delete thread if it bothers others I just hated that sob
Oddly I was a fan at first dude could play loved his movies then when he committed his horrific crimes and then tore apart are justice system I hated him. And I seldom hate anyone but racist or mean people
Damn i miss Norm.
Whether he was guilty or innocent, the past verdict doesn't matter. What matters now is he is before an infinitely better judge now that never gets the verdict wrong. I'll leave the final judgment to God rather than man and stay out of taking sides. If he was innocent, I'd rather not demean someone's character after they have gone. If they are guilty, I'd rather save room for God's wrath rather than interfere and redirect His anger toward me.