IMR 14500 in sight?

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Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2010
Will Safe chemistry LiMN 3.7V rechargeable cells in the 14500 size be available soon?

Will we get brighter lights performing better on high load, and safe on low?
The thinner diameter of the 14xxx cell isn't idea for high output (high drain) applications, thus as a format it's not indicated for IMR chemistry. Sure you could want it done for 'safety,' but it wouldn't be as much of a super-star at the +10amp range as perhaps you're hoping for.
My hope is for IMR17500 cells, but that probably won't happen either. At least not in the near future according to AW. It requires a substantial investment for a large number of units and he doesn't think the demand is there for any new IMR sizes right now. The sizes I would like to see most would be IMR17500, IMR17670, and IMR D cells.

The current P17500's are now too long for my Vital Gear 3, so I'm going to have to try some Pila 300S cells and see if they'll work.
IMR D cells would be cool, but I don't know of a company that makes any, so it would cost a lot of $$$ to develop a mould and develop the cells.
My hope is for IMR17500 cells, but that probably won't happen either. At least not in the near future according to AW. It requires a substantial investment for a large number of units and he doesn't think the demand is there for any new IMR sizes right now. The sizes I would like to see most would be IMR17500, IMR17670, and IMR D cells.
I'm still 'carrying the torch' for an IMR16170: two of these in a 'single-cell' host could satisfactorily drive any of the four-die P7 or MC-E configurations regulated via a 'buck' driver (obtaining 700-800 lumens), much better than trying to direct-drive these LED's with a single IMR16340 (500 lumens maybe). :candle:

Runtime would be short (~8 minutes or so), but that's what multi-mode flashlights are for. :cool:

An IMR10440 would also be way sweet, folks here are driving their LiCo 10440's really hard in keychain lights these days. I don't use 10440's, but if an IMR 10440 came out, I'd probably pick up two for my LD01.

BTW there is another interesting IMR 'what-if' thread with comparable postings if anybody's interested here:
Dream Battery: 18350 IMR by GreyShark
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I had posted about wanting an IMR18325 awhile back. 18350 might be a bit long. I want IMR17500 though most of all.
Will Safe chemistry LiMN 3.7V rechargeable cells in the 14500 size be available soon?

Will we get brighter lights performing better on high load, and safe on low?

Got a PM from AW saying that he will be releasing a 14500 IMR in a few weeks. It's rated for 8C (5A).
So an IMR14500, but no IMR17500 which would fit most Surefire lights and many aftermarket ones? Wow, that's strange. :shakehead
A bit of a tepid reaction here, it would seem... but I'm excited!

I don't believe the IMR14500 is all about hotwire Minimag mods, cool as they are, but more likely the next step in the evolution toward pocketable, insane output LED torches.

I'll be using them for both. :D

Bravo, AW! :clap:

EDIT: Now how's about IMR14670's?... hehe
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My public relations officer directed me to admit that the pending release of the imr 14500 is exactly as I predicted. truth be damned, who's up for some 1D RoP's! (2s2p)
I've recently visited AW's IMR page ("Part 11") and there's no IMR 14500 in post #1. Has it officially been released yet? Fixing for an order soon, I'd add it.

I was measuring a 3*AAA battery holder from a giveaway 9-LED flashlight. I measured it as a would-be 20500 in terms of lithium ion specifications (20mm wide, 50mm long). TMK, there is no such thing as a 20500 in ANY (available) lithium configuration, though I've seen people request the same. But I think the slew of 3*AAA flashlights will drive the market for them. The closest thing is an 18500, which AW actually makes an IMR for. Sometimes you can also squeeze an 18650 in those lights, usually requiring some modification

So apparently "wider is better" when it comes to lithium batteries, eh. Makes sense, as a "C"-sized li-ion has way more capacity than an 18500 or even an 18650. Ultrafire is now selling an 18340, which I applaud.

I personally think the good ol' "C" cell dimension is going to be an up-and-comer for the flashlight enthusiast (bright light) community. Standard size seems to be 25500 but AW's IMR is 26500. A single "C" body flashlight could really come across looking like a small if thick flashlight and have awesome current & capacity. The cells are already available, too; no whining to manufacturer. More mfr's just need to start making lights for them. In fact, aside from Nailbender's partner who makes some kind of DIY host body for C cells, I don't know of ANYONE making a 1*C li-ion powered flashlight. Reading the Nailbender threads really convinced me that C shall be the way to go in the future for high current. At that point (at least direct-driving) it's not so much about nominal voltage but everything else: current, heat, C[apacity], internal resistance, Vf [voltage forward in LED].

I wish I could get a C cell into some of those cheapie 3*AAA's! Would be GREAT for some awesome mods!!! Just put a C up to a 3*AAA host again... it's SO close... but alas.... Actually, if you found one with an unusually wide tube, I could see it fitting, at least a real Alkaline C I just measured is 24mm across not 25. I know there are brick&mortar stores who've sold C-alkaline LED's (or regular incans) loved by modders but all are 2+ C batts. It's like a twice-as-wide 14500! :D
I don't believe the IMR14500 is all about hotwire Minimag mods, cool as they are, but more likely the next step in the evolution toward pocketable, insane output LED torches.

I'm definitely excited about it. Plenty of single cell lights are driven to the point where capacity of IMR vs ICR is already about a wash on high. I just know it won't be that long till we see someone mod a light with an XP-G driven hard by a 14500 IMR... maybe even an SST-50.

Heatwise it's not all that practical but :devil: