In Favor of the Forward Clickie on Multi-Mode Digitals


Jun 18, 2008
I remember reading a few posters here discouraging the practice of installing a forward clickie on a multi-mode digital Fenix. I just popped a forward clickie onto a few of my Fenix digital torches and love it; I've the resulting interface is much more useful.

With the forward clickie, you're able to rapidly half-click through the interface to the light level you want, and once you're fully clicked in, you're set--you don't have to worry about an accidental light tap on the switch shifting you inconveniently into flash mode.

The drawback, of course, is that you can not change modes without clicking off (or reseting with a turn of the bezel), but I've found that I'm more likely to want to set and forget the mode than have the option to cycle through on the fly.

Thanks Fenix-Store for stocking the forward clickies, and I'm glad I tried the setup despite some recommendations otherwise.
Welcome to CPF. Glad the clickies work for you.

I personally don't mind the reverse clickies at all, they work perfectly for me.

But as long as you have choices that's great.

By the way, your username seems familiar... from CPFM, or EDCgear??
I absolutely agree. I have posted several times discounting the negative comments about momentary clicky use on multilevel digital lights. They are better in my opinion, but in previous posts I have just tried to outline the differences, such as the fact that you have to click a rev-clicky ON, then change levels, whereas with momentary clickies, you don't actually have to click it on if you don't want to. I often use my lights for just a few seconds at a time, so this works very well for me, and if I need it on longer, I can still click it and let it go - after I get to the level I want.
All my Fenix are this way now and I use them more because of it.
I have never tried a forward clicky in a multimode light but I don't think it would be a problem at all.

I hate multimode twistys!

(I'm glad that the L1/2T has a forward clicky now).
Personally don't care for reverse-style switches, whether single or multi-mode. Need monentary-on ability and while possible with some reverse-click switches, the procedure is kinda lame.
It seems like the reverse clicky was made for the multi mode, as far as I'm concerned, but I typically have the light on for a period of time.

If my light NEEDS momentary then it probably will not have multi modes or a clicky.

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