Incan Reborn!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
The proliferation of small pocketable LEDs, such as the Arc AAA GS, Aeon, Fenix AAA products, and so on have me EDCing my incans again. I don't mind belt carrying my E2d or 9P knowing that the little powerhouse in my pocket will be my workhorse. If the lamp or batteries die so what, I know I won't be left in the dark. My Arc AAA GS puts out an incredible amount of light on a dark trail and the 5 hour runtime makes it a fantastic light all by itself.

My current favorite combos are Arc AAA GS/E2d and Ion/9P for casual carry.

For serious mischief it's my Arc6 & M6.

My brother's EDC light is still the E2D. I did set him up with a Lumens Factory EO bulb and RCR123's though. He loves the guilt free lumens and incan combo.
I hear you about the incans! Recently, I've been carrying around my new G3 and E1B daily (seems to be a great combo). My lights in my sig are listed in order of purchase, so as you can see, I've just recently started into the incans. Man, I was missing out on higher powered incans--I love my new G3.
As the weather gets cooler here in Phoenix and especially when it gets sufficiently cold to wear a coat, I will sometimes toss a PT tec 40 in a coat in the car with slow self discharge batteries. [Of course, never gets cold enough here that lithiums are essential.]

I like the easy availability of PR bulbs, [especially Magnum star xenon] vs. proprietary lamp assemblies and I keep a spare bulb in one of those toothbrush holders attached to the plastic gizmo at the end of the tec 40 lanyard.
Sorry, I'm not with you. I wouldn't even be interested in flashlights if it wasn't for LEDs... incandescent bulbs look to me as practical as 8088 computers with four-color screens and no hard drives: useful if nothing else is available (and if they work, which is not a given in either case), but completely obsolete when compared to newer technologies.

The OP was stating his opinion on how he prefer's incans, if you cant respect that then don't take part in the thread.

I usually edc an incan, sometimes with an LED, but always an incan. Like you, I use my 9P and E2D regularly. I haven't had a LA die on me yet. Dependable and reliable are the first two words that come to mind when describing SF incans. It's highly unlikely, but I hope SF releases some new incans.
I'm with you... I just got a P61... WOW what a nice lamp. Such a BIG round hot-spot, that lights up the whole side of my house.

I dont think one is clearly superior to another, its more a matter of preference.

What I really like about the surefore P60 and p61, is that they resolve textures and details in surfaces... despite having less Lumens than an Equal-Lumen LED counterpart.

...I haven't had a LA die on me yet...

I've had only one die on me. A brand new P90. It's almost jacket wearing time in the Big Sac. I just took my E2x out of storage. Its a E2e head, E2 body, and a clicky (the brand new one with the black guts). The thing practicaly disappears in your hand/pocket. With the MN03 LA it definitely gets the WOW factor. It shall ride in my pocket along with a set of spare cells this Fall and Winter!
the brand new one with the black guts

I thought the new ones had white guts :shrug:
My E2E pictured below has black guts, but the E2D has white internals.
I swapped the P90 for the P91 when I bought my 9P and haven't looked back. But nothing beats the E series for lego ability and useability IMHO.

The OP was stating his opinion on how he prefer's incans, if you cant respect that then don't take part in the thread.
Where did I disrespect his opinion? I just don't agree with it. I don't think I was rude, I just expressed my own. You can't open a thread on a forum and expect everyone will agree with you, and I imagine the OP knows this. Polite disagreement is at the root of any civilized discussion, you know.
Fallingwater... this is the incan sub-forum. I suggest, if you have nothing positive to contribute here, you stay out of it.

Your two posts here are unnecessary and provocative, and any more in that vein will be regarded as trolling.
I used to be a hardcore Inova fan.

Now when I EDC, I'm carrying a powerful incan and a Nichia showerhead light so I'm not left in the dark...

but I'm only carrying one light :whistle:

But the real sleeper star of my backpack-carry lately has been the 8X. Much more carryable than the ROP, guilt-free, and only slightly too bright if at all, for most tasks. (For everything else, either a fauxton is more appropriate, or a HID.) I just desperately wish Surefire would mount a P61 bulb in a X80 lamp assembly - the color temperature is just that much better and whiter. Used to be I'd occasionally swap a P60 back into the Malkoff host, just to remember what a good incan can be like, but then two things happened: my original P60 died (I had two spares, no biggie) and I got a 9z - and I don't think I'll ever go back to P60 lamps ever again. The 8X was just the last nail, giving me 9Z like oomph, tighter throw and the mythical perfect Surefire circle (no football at all!) and free lumens. Here's to an underappreciated classic!

(Edit: the first time I stopped EDCing the Malkoff, it was because I got complaints about blinding bounceback. The second time was after I bought a diffuser, and when going to friends' houses, everyone borrowing the thing without asking. It never got so much as a scratch, but I wondered for a good while how I was going through batteries so damn fast. :D)
Fallingwater... this is the incan sub-forum. I suggest, if you have nothing positive to contribute here, you stay out of it.

Your two posts here are unnecessary and provocative, and any more in that vein will be regarded as trolling.
Whoops. Sorry about that, you're completely right. I thought I was posting in the general flashlight subforum... must have clicked on the wrong link and not realized it :ohgeez:

Sorry Kelmo and everybody, I'll remove myself from this thread.
What I really like about the surefore P60 and p61, is that they resolve textures and details in surfaces... despite having less Lumens than an Equal-Lumen LED counterpart.

As one who doesn't yet have a single incan, does bringing out "textures and details in surfaces" seem to be one of the virtues when compared to LED's as a whole, or does it vary from light to light?

I had a Jet-I Pro IBS for a short time before it got taken from me, but I noticed much better detail and texture when looking at the tops of the trees which got my curiosity as to whether tint was a factor, or something else beyond my comprehension. :confused:

(I will get another Jet-I Pro IBS but haven't yet decided which SF I'm going to get. :huh:)
Kaichu dento, to my eyes, LED lights provide a very "flat" image, while incandescent light just seems to saturate an area better, and thus (seem to) provide more detail/depth. I believe others on this board have made the same or similar observations.

Eyes and perception vary however, so you need to test it out and see what works for you. Perhaps the best bet is to have one light that emits both types of light at the same time for maximum effect.
I have stayed away from incans since the L2 came out, but now... I'm slowly returning to them. I always kept a ROP around, but I'm finding myself drawn to how they do seem to bring out color and depth better. Just ordered a bunch of A2 lights. Have been playing with a E2E and, well, kind have rekindled an old love. Milky is making a special Redeye for me, so I guess we will see how that compares, but I'm going to be keeping some incans around.
As one who doesn't yet have a single incan, does bringing out "textures and details in surfaces" seem to be one of the virtues when compared to LED's as a whole, or does it vary from light to light?

I had a Jet-I Pro IBS for a short time before it got taken from me, but I noticed much better detail and texture when looking at the tops of the trees which got my curiosity as to whether tint was a factor, or something else beyond my comprehension. :confused:

Emitter colour temp/range has a great deal to do with our visual perception hence the reason people buy/modify so many lights to the 4300K~5000K range, naturally individual results may vary, performance/behaviour of emitters in this narrow light range may account for the popularity of the SVO~SVN tinted LEDs (which FWIW are just outside of the preferred range @ 5350K) :thumbsup:
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Looking forward to EDCing a legoed E1E. The body and tailcap were gotten off the MarketPlace. The head is off of my E2E that I recently upgraded with a TLS Q5 head. Had a spare head, decided to put it to good use.

I'll start EDCing my E1E.... Just as soon as I get an SF MN01 or LF HO-E1A to put into the head.
this is my kind of thread.... i have never truly been able to appreciate LED's... they have there place and the one LED drop-in i have does make it into EDC but i have to have an incan when the LED comes with me.
the e2e has become my go to light. i added an HO-E2R for guilt free lumens and found what i was looking for..... i think...
i have blown an EO-9 and an EO-4.... no biggy... somebody somewhere is making another one just like them.
my favorite LA has got to be the p90 because of that awesome flood. i think that is why i like my little e2e. it a great spot and an incredible spill.
the discovery of rechargables have as much to do with the rebirth of incans for me. before that, i was leaning towards LED. but now, who needs em'
I love my Sf M6....and its rechargeable also. LEDs will still be a favorite too as they are reliable and useful and comes in small form factor. Of course bulbs will blow however, that part of maintenance which we users must appreciate.