That's close enough to a day for me and still alot of light from just 2 D cells for that length of time. No fenix can match that output and maintain similar runtime. I'm sorry, I get riled up when people suggest that magled's are somehow inferior to the fenix lights. Anyway, back on topic.
I only get riled up when other folks get riled up, but then don't bother to get all the facts right.
Just kidding, I'm not riled up at all, and so far as it goes, it's perfectly true that the Fenix L2D won't run at higher than the Mag's level for more than 22 hours, but 22 hours is not 'days' (and the L0D will run 'days' on low), and in any case, by the agreed standards here on CPF the 'runtime' of the 2D 3W MagLED would only be 13 minutes (because the thermal design is so crappy that the output drops to less than half in only that short period of time).
If you had just said that Maglights are built to very high mechanical standards, with machine work rivaling Fenix and Surefire lights at a tiny fraction of the cost, and that their LED versions work pretty well compared to the old incandescent versions, I would have agreed with you.
But when you look at the performance of the MagLED lights a little closer, they ARE not just 'somehow inferior' they are MASSIVELY inferior when compaired to modern efficient designs like the Fenix L2D.
An L2D with 2 AA batteries weighs in at 1/4 pound compared to a pound and a half for the Mag 2 D.
At less than 1/6 the weight and volume of a 2 D-Cell Mag-LED light, if the L2D worked even half as well, then that would be pretty impressive, but it doesn't work half as well, it beats the living crap out of the MagLED across the board.
A lot of light from JUST 2 D Cells? How about FAR FAR LESS output on high, and also a lot LESS lumen-hours of light when long runtimes are needed, from a huge beast six times as heavy, with NO flexibility to switch output levels to get more output for some jobs and more runtime for others?
How about efficiency and performance numbers that are amongst the LOWEST in the industry, made only marginally acceptable by the use of heavy HUGE 20 Amp hour batteries? (Energizer rates it's D-Cells at more than 20 Amp Hours) has looked at both lights, and is respected for the accuracy of it's data, so let's look at his data for both lights.
Here's the Mag LED 3W data -
Note that the overall output of the 2 D-Cell 3W LED is rated at 3800, but this drops to less than HALF in only 13 minutes due to thermal issues, then it limps along at the equivalent of less than 1900 (using the same relative units), for the rest of that 22 hours that was quoted (actually 26 hours to 25% in the Flashlight-Reviews data).
Now here is the link to the L1D and L2D (both use the same electronics)
Note that on the L2D's maximum output mode, the overall output score is 8800, which is much more than TWICE as high as the initial RATED MagLED level of 3900 (again, this from a light 1/6 the weight), and this 8800 level is more than 4 and a half times the output that the MagLED falls to in only 13 minutes of operation due to thermal issues. Sure the Fenix only runs a little over 2 hours at this level but that's a lot better than 13 minutes isn't it?
But isn't there any pesky adjustment we need to make to that Fenix number like we did for the crappy MagLED, to allow for it's output falling off after a few minutes? Nope. In fact the only adjustment that needs to be made is UPWARDS, because the NEW L2D-RB100 and L2D-Q5 lights have about 1/3'rd MORE output than the LOD-CE model that Flashlight-Reviews looked at. So 4.5 times the usable output (after 13 minutes) becomes more like 6 times the usable output. Hmmm 6 times the usable output in a light 1/6th the size. That would be about a thirty-six to one performance difference when the size of the light is factored in, so if it only runs 1/11'th as long in this ultra high output mode then I think we are still ahead of the game.
Still think that the Fenix lights don't make the Mag LED's look 'somehow inferior'?
Ok, then let's look at the LOWEST mode and factor in Lumen/Hours of runtime -
On LOW the L2D scored 855 on Flashlight-Reviews relative scale, and adjusting this upward by 1/3 to account for the new L2D-Q5 model, we still only get up to about 1137. It's true that this is only about 60% as bright as the MagLED scored on the same scale (in it's one and only output mode), which may sound bad until you consider that the L2D ran almost 60 hours on plain alkalines and 86 hours on readily available L91 Lithium cells in this mode.
Taking the L91 numbers; a L0D-Q5 would give 60% of the output for about FOUR TIMES AS LONG. So the MagLED is a bit brighter but the L0D will run a LOT longer, so to be fair we have to figure it on a Lumen/Hours basis.
If we do this calculation, it's obvious that at only 1/6 the weight and volume of the MagLED 2D 3W light, the little Fenix L0D-Q5 would still score more than TWICE as high in the LUMEN/HOURS department in it's lowest mode, and run 8 hours a night for 10 days straight in an emergency situation.
There's no mumbo-jumbo here, that is actually MORE total light output on two tiny AA cells, than the 3W MagLED is able to supply with 2 HUGE D-Cell batteries.
So let's review . . .
The 2 D-Cell 3W MagLED has less than 1/6'th the usable output after only 13 minutes compared to a L0D on MAX, and less than half the Lumen/Hours of usable output on a long runtime test, in a light that is 6 times as massive, but that's not 'somehow inferior'?
Getting back to the main subject of the thread comparing the Mag Incandescent to the L2D, I would call your attention to the graph which appears near the bottom of the Mag 3W ratings on the page.
Here's the link again-
Sorry I can't just hot-link in the figure, but that's a no-no here on CPF, so just scroll all the way down to the bottom and look at the figure labeled-
"Mag-LEDs vs Stock 3 D-Cell Incandescent".
Wow, look at those output level and runtime curves! Even that relatively lackluster Mag 3W LED beats the living daylights out of the original incandescent model !!!
Since the Fenix L2D just STOMPS the Mag LED into the ground (it's not even close), this should give you at least a small idea of the HUGE margin that the L2D beats the original Mag incandescent by.