Info needed: Milky modded NovaTac SST-50


Apr 27, 2007
London, UK
Hi, I have been talking to Scott, via email, about another uppgrade for my NovaTac "SuperNova", and he mentioned work he had done for some on the boards using an SST-50 emitter, NX05 optic and a custom module, which should give upwards of 500 OTF lumens by his estimate. That´s a lot of light in a very small package running off an AW R123, and I like the sound of it a lot!

I´m looking for information on this mod, such as heat issues, maximum runtime, beam pattern with this optic (which is unknown to me) and general firsthand experience of this light, but I´m not finding much via the CPF search. Can anyone chime in with their thoughts and observations? Want to hear some feedback before I take the plunge. Thank you, in advance
He has been doing my E1e into an SST-50 direct drive off an IMR 16340. I will let post the lumens and runtime in my thread when I get it.:wave:
I will let post the lumens and runtime in my thread when I get it.:wave:

Look forward to that, I'll look out for it. Seems the mod I'm talking about is still work-in-progress according to Scott, so no-one has it yet. I'll put up a review when I get it. All I now know is that it runs off a IMR16340, not R123 as mentioned above, at around 30 mins full power (500 lm+?!) :clap::clap:.

Will be amazed at that out of the NovaTac 140 host
wow, being a new owner of a Novtac 120P, that sounds incredible! Please update when anything happens, i might just want to send mine in for modding as well.
Wow .... stuffing a SST-50 into a Novatac :eek:

I doubt very much you would get decent runtime with it on IMR16340 cells
Might be an idea to source a 17670 Novatac body and mod it to use 18650
cells. There is a thread somewhere that shows this mod.
I doubt very much you would get decent runtime with it on IMR16340 cells

I think short bursts at full power. The plan is to retain the original novatac programing for more manageable output settings. Other than that it's in Scott's hands, I don't know what he has planned but I'm looking forward to it
I think short bursts at full power. The plan is to retain the original novatac programing for more manageable output settings. Other than that it's in Scott's hands, I don't know what he has planned but I'm looking forward to it

I dont think the stock Novatac driver is going to be able to deliver enough
current to make the most out of the SST-50.
With the stock Novatac driver the, SST 50 will be severely underdriven

here is an interesting mod, DZ built a direct drive Novatac P7 with a D2Flex
controller. Something like that will give you the kind of output your looking

Hope you dont mind, just my 2pence worth :)
Your comments are more than welcome tx101. I don't know the full spec, but I do know that Scott intends to rebuild the internals so it won't be stock, although the ability to customize the settings should stay similar. The SSt 50 will be underpowered but should deliver 500+ OTF, although not for very long. I will attempt a write-up when I receive it