Information overload - charger opinions


Newly Enlightened
Mar 27, 2003

I've been reading Silverfox's comparision as well as all the other threads on chargers and now looking for opinions.

Curently all I use are AA's (PowerEx 2000's) and Maha 401/204 chargers. I'm getting ready to head to the Boundary Waters in July to go canoeing for a week with my son's Boy Scout troop and looking to add/upgrade my batteries. I use the batteries in 2 Garmin Rhino 120 GPS's (as well as an Opalec and BB400) and have pretty much settled on Sanyo industrial 2500's. From reading the posts I think I've narrowed my charger choices down to either the La Crosse or Accumanager 20. I also noticed Thomas Distributing now has an Accumanager 2010 but the link is broken. Any suggestions on which charger? Or should I just stick with my Maha's? I will need to get as much charge in the batteries as possible before I leave. The chart in Silverfoxes post is coming up as an x for my so I can't exactly see his results. I don't forsee using any D cells but C's are a good possiblity since I own a Light Cannon for diving.


Maha 401FS is a highly regarded charger although many people have said that it overheats the cells in its fast mode.
Currently I use Lenmar Mach1 Gamma as my portable desctop charger. It is fast (70 min for 2100 mAh cells) and gentle on the cells, they get barely warm, no more than 35C. It has 4 independent chanels and runs on 12V, so can be used in a car. It's the only really fast charger I've tried to date that doesn't overheat the cells. As most fast chargers it does not charge the cells 100%, something like 92% is more like it, but its speed and cool charging IMO more than make up for that.