inova t1 tiros mod. just need a suggestion.


Apr 14, 2007
I would like to replace the Led module inside of this light because it has cruddy run-time. Brightness is of little importance but i would like at least twice the run time increase. Can anyone suggest a decent module to replace the stock one?

beam type and pattern doesnt phase me, if it's brighter that's a bonus, if it runs twice as long... Great success !

thank you to all who took the time to read this request.

ensile said:
I would like to replace the Led module inside of this light because it has cruddy run-time. ....


If you don't modify your TIROS style Inova T1, just carry a spare CR123A battery. The batteries are quite small.

I usually prefer to carry a single cell flashlight and a spare battery than a larger two cell flashlight with twice the runtime.
inovas dont build lights that can be modded, sure some freeze/refreeze will get it open, many have tried and usually results in the optics cracking or chipping.

replacing the die is more of an issue of "how far are you willing to go?" if you want a better runtime, then you'd have to replace the circuit board....:ohgeez:
Yeah, other than the X1 and the X5, the Inova lights certainly are not beginner mod level lights. And simply replacing the emitter without modding the board would likely give maybe a 15% increase in runtime at the very best.

There seem to be quite a few CPFers wanting the TIROS lights so your best bet would probably be to sell the T1 on B/S/T and buy something with at least two levels.
cheers for saving me grief, Thanks for the suggestions, but I would never sell a light. I only buy lights that strike a "chord" with me, i could never part with an orig t1 tiros, they are so funktastic, i just hope to live the rest of my life with my couple of great units. the only lights i want now is a new e1L when they are landed, and a t4, cannot decide on tiros or reflector, anything that will out throw, out shine my p3d. any suggestions there ? thanks for all who care to read :) it makes selecting the right one easier, we all know it's easy to part with cash for lights, but it isnt easy to warm up to them if they don't peform to our expectations. :p
Well, I think the P3D is pretty bright on Turbo... but it doesn't throw exceptionally well. The Lumapower M1 Hunter is pretty impressive in the throw department. I'm not really that much of a throw junkie myself. A Jetbeam C-LE provides all the throw I usually need.
i have the t1 in my clutches and i wouldnt want to mod it, i love it. I remember seeing one years ago in the store and thinking the beam was not so great, but mine is very tough, it throws like no tommorrow.. I am going to buy more of these, because i think they are perfect all round lights.