
Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 29, 2006
I tried to do a forum search for "x03 mod" and got the usual error message when you try to ask for too much in a search. What I'm trying to find out is if anyone has ever been able to mod an Inova X03. From what I can tell, it looks like the stainless steel bezel is where you can get access to the reflector and emitter. If anyone has any tricks to modding Inova flashlights, I'd a appreciate the info.
Funny you should mention that! I just installed one of the Dealextreme drivers and Seoul emitter in mine... here's the parts I used (I was searching for the exact same thing you did, and got the same results (>_<*).

Inova XO3 (TIROS model)
SSC Seoul P4 (U-bin) SW0 Bare Emitter
3.6V~9V 800mA Regulated IC Circuit Board for Cree and SSC LEDs (4-pack)

I got the Inova open after putting it in the freezer three times (water in battery tube freezes, expands, pops the front out). I put a penny in the rear between the tube and cap to prevent the water from blowing the end out.
Once the optic was out, I pressed the driver out using a hammer and PVC pipe; it will pop out the front, not rearwards. Pulled out the old chip and glued the driver in, then wired the LED. Put everything back with the optic as far against the LED as possible, and you're set!

Some things to remember:
The driver is mounted to an aluminum slug that has been press-fitted to the tube; I had to file the sides down on mine to get it to fit back in there.
The Seoul emitter sits lower than the Luxeon, so I put a thin washer around the base of the slug to get a little more standoff away from the battery end; some people just put a piece of copper under the emitter.
The freezing process may have taken the dome off of my light, not sure if it was damaged before though; I only opened her up to replace the driver so I could use the R123 cells... the driver came out damaged, but I am trying to fix it so I can see if it works.
With the Deal Extreme drivers, the positive contact is in the middle of the board, so the batteries go in positive end first.

I have to take pics, but so far it seems a lot brighter and the hotspot is a little wider; it doesn't throw as much as my modded Dorcy Metal Gear (same emitter and driver, converted to run off of 2 X 123's), but it is built a lot tougher and the beam is a little more useful now; the hotspot is about 16 inches across when shone on a wall about 10 feet away.
Interesting approach Inferno. I have the newer X03 that has the K2 LED and reflector instead of Optic. So are you saying the stainless steel bezel is simply snapped on? Or is it epoxied on? I was hoping it was screwed in. I don't know if I want to try the water approach myself. If anyone else out there has modded any of the Inova X0/X03 flashlights, please chime in.
It is screwed in, and I think it should be the same on yours. The alternative, at least the way I see it, is find something that can either grip that ring or a metal plate that you can screw the light into so you have more leverage to pull on it with. On a side note, the driver on mine is still good and still works, and at least on the old XO3, the voltage stays the same but I have no way of testing the regulation output. I don't know about your reflector, but my optic is polycarbonate, so pushing out the driver/optic/retainer from the back end wasn't an option for me. Otherwise, you could find a pipe that fits the inside of the tube and a press to push everything out the front.
Alrighty, well I suppose I'm gonna have to try rubber padded vise grips. Thanks for the info inferno!