Inova X5 not Bright eneogh.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 24, 2005
I currently have a Inova X5 and have for a good bit and its done a decent job. But to be honest it is just not good enough.

I need a light that will give me a much brighter light that is really noticeable. Yesterday I brought my X5 into a place that light from the sun hasn't reached in nearly 100 years or ever. Deep in the bowels of NYC. The X5 didn't give me much visibility is that type of darkness. It was better than if I didn't have a light, but could have been better.

So I honestly need a better light, I have some requiments.

1. LED, I cant have bulbs breaking
2. I need brightness with longevity. No lights that last 1 hour.
3. It needs to be portable, like my inova, maybe a little bigger. Its to hard carrying stuff like that.
4.Waterproof and build tough for possible drops.

Thanks all.
Pretty much anything from a reputable manufacture on the market today (including inova's new offering) utilizing the high powered led will be brighter than X5, and fit all your requirement, take a look at inova 2008 T1 if you like that brand.
Pretty much anything from a reputable manufacture on the market today (including inova's new offering) utilizing the high powered led will be brighter than X5, and fit all your requirement, take a look at inova 2008 T1 if you like that brand.

im not partial to Inova, but they do make a high quality product.
In that case you have a whole lot of choices. Give us more criteria, such as price range, brightness, flood/medium/throw light, single/multi level, size, preference for country of origin if you have one, etc.
Price sub $120, but of course the less I spend the better.

I need a good median of flood and throw, so maybe medium. Most of my uses are in enclosed tunnels or in indutrial sites in complete darkness. Rarly do I use it outside, but having one that is good for trails and around the camp site would be nice.

What I found wrong with my X5 is it flooded out to much and the tunnels were pitch black and the X5 only did so much, but I feel if the light wasn't a flood and more of a throw I could have gotten more use of it. I don't need to light a entire tunnel, they are usually small enough anyway. what I need to focus more on is lighting a given area. Im pretty sure that with the size of the tunnels, even the exces light of a throw light would like the entire thing.

If I could have the ability to change output to conserve on batter life that would be good, but only if the price makes it worth it.

Origin doesnt magtter much, id rather American made, who wouldent, but price is still a concearn.
The flood pattern is typical with cluster 5mm led lights, but anything with reflector/optic will solve that. Here are a couple off top of my head from high to low in price.

1. Surefire E2DL
2. Surefire E2L
3. Surefire E1L
4. Fenix TK10
5. Fenix P3D
6. Fenix P2D
7. Inova T3
8. Inova T2
9. Inova T1

The first 6 are all multi level light, inovas are single level. Fenix is made in china while rest are in u.s. Put each into the google search box on top of page and you'll find plenty of info (maybe not inova, but I know there's a big thread on T1). You can also look in the review forum and there are plenty of reviews for them.
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The X5 is designed to give moderate output over a very long runtime. An Inova T1, T2 or T3 will work much better, just be sure you get the latest version. BatteryJunction has them in stock.
They are great light but not as "exciting" as others and relatively slow in adapting new technology, so not discussed as much.
Inova makes kickass lights, but like Jzmtl said, they don't get a lot of buzz and are a little boring compared to other fancier companies. I don't think they're unpopular, just not fun to talk about online. I would definitely recommend getting one for your job, though.
For the criteria you have specified i would go with....

Surefire G2 and a Malkoff M60LL
Around 80 lumens and 8 hours regulated runtime....

just my .03$
You've still got a lot of choices, not just Surefires and Fenixes.

Where the light is made isn't as important the company that makes them. If you want fully American made at around your price range, check Novatac, Inova, RA lights, and Surefire(there are probably a few others).

If you don't mind where they are made, then there a a whole lot more choices. I won't name them all but common ones are Fenix, Olight, Dereelight, Jetbeam, and Lumapower.

What about a decent hotspot with good spill like most LED lights have?
I recommend you get the Task Force 60x brigher 150 lumen 2C CREE LED flashlight from Lowe's Hardware for $30 (if you have Lowe's). I have one, it performs almost as well as my 1mcp spotlight, lasts well over one hour at full brightness, and is MUCH brighter and more powerful than my Coast LED Lenser, which in turn outshined an INOVA X03!:)

The Task Force has a perfect blue round circle of light that throws about as far as my 1mcp spotlight. It is also quite tough and durable with a nice rubber grip handle coating.
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The new Inova T3 will blow you away, heck, even the new T1 is like an insane lumen-blaster next to the X5. All of those suggested SureFire are excellent, especially the E2DL. Check the E1B out too.
GO to Target, and next to the X5 that's hanging there for $25 or so, there should be an Inova XO for around $35. It's like night and day the difference between those and that XO light is a cool 70ish lumens (as bright as my TLR1 weaponlight and a little more light than my P3D's medium light.

But then, if you want some serious bang for the buck, just pick up a Romisen from DealExtreme. Orrrrr...get a nice R2 5 mode drop in on a $35 SF G2 Nitrolon.

The X5 is best used in the car for maps and things dropped on the floor that rolled under the seat. Lighting tunnels/sewers..not a chance.
I agree with Ironchef. I actually just picked up a X0 and its a pretty good light. I know it doesn't have the fanciest new emitter but i guess i really don't care about that as long as its a good light. It has a good runtime and brightness and a nice medium range beam type. IMHO i don't think you can go wrong for $40.
Still, why go for that when the new generation T1 is less than $50 shipped? The saving on batteries alone is worth it.
how about a Streamlight Propolymer 4AA Luxeon LED i don't own one but is around $30, tough and weather proof. Or maybe a nice headlight depending on the type of work you are doing.

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