Insight for a C-Light?


Mar 14, 2008
Oahu, Hawaii
What are your favorite C-cell instruments? Including 2, 3, 4, or maybe up to 8 cells? Flashlights? Lanterns?

After browsing through some of the hurricane, blackout, or disaster-incidents before-and-after threads, I am hoping to gather just a few pieces of light gears that are C-cells ready. Naturally, I thought of my old-trusty Maglites but to my surprise, they seem to have disappeared from (at least) most of the local hardware stores. In fact, with the infusion of LED Maglites, I have yet to see any C-cell MagLED flashlights, except the factory LED drop-ins sold separately.

Some fellow CPF members suggested in some situations, C-cells are more readily available after a disaster than the popular D and AA cells. I think it is a good idea to get a few pieces of C-cell friendly gears ready, just in case.

Like insurance, we buy them but hope never have to claim any.

With Aloha,

Unfortunately C-cells are an under appreciated format.My favorites are the C-cell Maglites.The C-cell Mags are significantly smaller than the D-cells yet offer many of the same options.
With the addition of a Magled module even the 2C Mags are long running,reliable emergency/utility lights.AA and D-cells always seem to sell out in short order during a crisis yet C-cells are sometimes still available.Most stores stock C-cells and they are not expensive like CR123s can be.
Online stores like stock 2,3 and 4 C Maglites.Local Hunting,Fishing or Camping stores may carry C-cell Maglites.Home Depot usually has the 2C Maglites for around $15 and Radio Shack also carries them but they are more expensive.
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Energizer Quick Switch with a smjled PR2 upgrade or the craftsman LED upgrade. It can take 2D, 2C, or 2AA, so no worries in what you can scrounge to find it.
The two Streamlight ProPoly 3C models still hold up pretty well, and there's the Pelican 8060.
Here's a link to a review I did about the above-mentioned 2C Maglite....


That helps a great deal, thanks! As consumers, we can always see nothing but well-chosen texts printed on the back of any product. Real life user experiences and evaluations, are way more valuable.

So far, I only saw one 2C Maglite in the closest Home Depot in town. The blister pack is actually all beat up and dusty. Hopefully, it will be one of their discontinued model or something and the nice manager will price it for $5 (very wishful and optimistic thinking here).

On the other hand, there seems to be quite a following of the Taskforce lights from Lowes. Are they made quite as well and reliable as the Maglites? I am looking for something that may be stored in a drawer as a backup. Are the Taskforce just as dependable as the Maglites? Price-wise, the Taskforce and the Streamlights propoly are quite good. The best part is I do not need to get a drop-in to make it LED.

All suggestions welcome.

With Aloha,


With Aloha,

No, the Task Force is not as well made or reliable as the Mag.

Don't forget it's not wise to store a light loaded with cells, ESPECIALLY leak prone alkaline.

Also, the dusty 2C most likely won't be on sale, Mag doesn't frequently release new products. A 2C mag from 8 years ago (last time the models changed) looks identical to one from today.
No, the Task Force is not as well made or reliable as the Mag.

Don't forget it's not wise to store a light loaded with cells, ESPECIALLY leak prone alkaline.

Also, the dusty 2C most likely won't be on sale, Mag doesn't frequently release new products. A 2C mag from 8 years ago (last time the models changed) looks identical to one from today.

Can't stress enough not storing lights loaded with alkalines,probably one of the most common ways flashlights are ruined.
The C-cell lights do not seem as popular. I have somehow accumulated a few over the years, including a Mag 2C with a Magled drop-in, a couple of Tektites, Rayovac, Streamight 3C incans. Yes, a good form.
I like the C format lights, and made one for my son to use as a nightlight/get to the bathroom light with the Nite Ize 2-6 cell LED drop in. I also have the Task Force light and like that as well.

But if the OP's goal is to be prepared for a crisis, wouldn't he be better off just stocking up on spare cells for whatever his current format of light is. If he already has a few D cell lights, it would make sense to buy a dozen D cells than to go buy a new light that runs on C's. Planning ahead is good, but planning ahead to get batteries after the panicked masses have made a run on them seems short-sighted. Why not just plan ahead enough that you don't have to run to the store when the crisis is looming.

The above mentioned Nite Ize bulb is an amazing way to stretch batteries. Its not that bright, but will run for days and days. You could also look into rechargeable batteries of whatever format you prefer that can be charged from your car.
Had this made with the following, Tri-Flupic Driver board 2.8 amp Max
BoroFloat Lens-3x Cree Q5 ,3x MCR20 Reflectors-AW's new "C" size Li-Ion 3300mah cell Custom driver board holder-Custom Heatsink-Leef Body.

Sometime tomorrow, Monocrom will make post here in which he will ask me what advantages the BigLeef options would have over a Leef 2x18650 or 3x18650 C tail - M head body, and which lamps I am running in my BigLeef lights. So I'm going to send him a PM which will give him a link to this thread. But he will still make that post tomorrow anyway.

Let me throw some back to the future replies to the Carmac-clocked CPF new server (pun intended).

Before I came to CPF, I think I have a pretty good system using only the AA and D sized cells only. Now, I am slowly adding CR123-size into the preparedness equation as well.

Thanks for the very helpful and practical replies. I'm quite embarrassed to admit ruining a couple mini Mags a couple of decades ago. I used to stash a 2AA Maglite in the glove compartment and of course the Florida sun cooked it good, real good. Then I thought it'd be best to put the cells outside the MagMini in the same plastic bag and sure enough, I found the dried green pastes eating into the bezel many months later. That 2nd Maglite was also laid to rest. Nowadays, I store batteries in separate ziplock bags and set electronic reminders to refresh them.

My real quake-up or wake-up call came in October 2006. Somehow the earthquake hit exactly at the point where I had only three mostly depleted D-cells in a 3D and about two dozens of fresh AAs. It wouldn't be any issue except that I happened to "loan out" the several MagMini to my Sunday School kids during the summer for their camp. Anyway, nothing really bad happened from that episode but many valuable home preparedness lessons learned.

You could try Ace Hardware. I know they usually stock the 3C Maglites. But yeah, not a good idea to keep a C - cell light stored for emergencies. A better option is a light running on CR123 cells, or a 2AA light stored with Energizer lithium primaries since those don't leak.

As for Taskforce, the quality of their lights is only half a notch below that of Maglite. I've owned quit a few Maglite models, and have even had a handful that completely failed on me. Including a 3D model from several years ago that literally fell apart in my hands as I was examining it. Given a choice between a Maglite or a Taskforce, I'd go with my Taskforce 2C LED thrower. With my Maglites, I always need to take along another light from a different brand. I don't expect my Maglites to fail on me, but let's just say I wouldn't be shocked if that very thing happened.

I did pick up a $15 Mag 2C from Home Depot on Saturday morning. There is also a Husky brand 2C light available for almost $30 as well. At Lowes in Hawaii, the Taskforce C sells for $31 or $32. Monocrom, thanks again for the tip.

With Aloha,


BIG CHEERS to the CPF administrators for bringing the server back online!
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Menards and Meijer stores have carried the ROV "Extreme Sportsman" 3-C LED light. I know Menards still has it since I saw one today; I haven't been to Meijer in a while. Its a very nice light that became my primary dogwalker/catwhacker.

Let me throw some back to the future replies to the Carmac-clocked CPF new server (pun intended).

Before I came to CPF, I think I have a pretty good system using only the AA and D sized cells only. Now, I am slowly adding CR123-size into the preparedness equation as well.

Thanks for the very helpful and practical replies. I'm quite embarrassed to admit ruining a couple mini Mags a couple of decades ago. I used to stash a 2AA Maglite in the glove compartment and of course the Florida sun cooked it good, real good. Then I thought it'd be best to put the cells outside the MagMini in the same plastic bag and sure enough, I found the dried green pastes eating into the bezel many months later. That 2nd Maglite was also laid to rest. Nowadays, I store batteries in separate ziplock bags and set electronic reminders to refresh them.

My real quake-up or wake-up call came in October 2006. Somehow the earthquake hit exactly at the point where I had only three mostly depleted D-cells in a 3D and about two dozens of fresh AAs. It wouldn't be any issue except that I happened to "loan out" the several MagMini to my Sunday School kids during the summer for their camp. Anyway, nothing really bad happened from that episode but many valuable home preparedness lessons learned.

I did pick up a $15 Mag 2C from Home Depot on Saturday morning. There is also a Husky brand 2C light available for almost $30 as well. At Lowes in Hawaii, the Taskforce C sells for $31 or $32. Monocrom, thanks again for the tip.

With Aloha,


BIG CHEERS to the CPF administrators for bringing the server back online!

The D-cell Mags(w/Magled modules) I keep in the cars have AAtoD battery adapters and lithium AAs,that way I can keep them ready with less fear of leakage.I do keep regular D-cells seperate in a plastic bags as well.
Link to battery adapters:
I just posted here about the various BigLeef options, which are well worth considering.

Those are beautiful. Could you tell me what advantages the BigLeef options would have over a Leef 2x18650 or 3x18650 C tail - M head body? Which lamps are you running in your BigLeef lights?

I'm seriously considering getting the needed custom parts to put together the light you have pictured just above the stock M6. Just wondering if it would be worth it compared to Leef's 18650 options.


Thanks for the response DM51.
Guess my time-machine is out of whack (LOL).
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