Is it weird to carry a light on your belt?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2007
Well I just bought the P2D and I was thinking about carring it on my belt at all times, but then started thinking I dont want to look like a fool. Is it geeky to carry a flashlight on my blet? No one's going to see it. Do y'all carry one?
Pretty much everyone here EDC at the very least one (1) flashlight. What's on my person are the SF.A2; 3[M]ini.Mag; and a SF.e1.Lego. . .
Well I just bought the P2D and I was thinking about carring it on my belt at all times, but then started thinking I dont want to look like a fool. Is it geeky to carry a flashlight on my blet? No one's going to see it. Do y'all carry one?

Due to my line of work, I need to carry one at all times, no option, but I dont think I look like a fool, but if it was green and gold with shiny lights all over it, looking something like a lightsabre from starwars, Id reconsider carrying it, though, the P2D isnt bad looking :) Go for it.
I have carried an ARC LS on my belt every day for probably the past 4 years. But then again I subscribe to the philosophy that the more stuff you have on your belt the cooler you are.:p
Hmmmm....... several points. First, that's such a nice, small light.... why not just put it in your pocket? You might be surprised at how quickly you get used to it being there.

But, if that isn't an option, then why not carry it on your belt? I've been around video and audio production for 25 years..... and everybody either has stuff on their belts.... or.... they have a fanny pack type deal, sometimes worn to the side, that they put stuff in. It's all about functionality and having the stuff you need, when you need it.

Then, of course, at first.... anything new and different is a little weird to most folks.... but after a time it becomes the norm.... and trust me.... the very first time somebody needs a light for something and you whip that puppy out.... you will be "the guy with the light".

So..... the moral of the story is..... don't worry about what other folks think.... wear it on your belt. If you've never had an EDC you will be amazed at how often you end up using it.
Not to me,at work I would rather carry a small light in a pouch,than my pocket.
I carry a SF G2 on my belt at work in one of the big polymer holsters. If someone thinks I'm a geek, so be it. The P2D and its belt clip are very small and discreet compared to what I'm using (I am considering carrying the L1 cree on my belt in the near future). I say go for it without hesitation.
Who cares what people think or say anyway?

I usually wear a dress shirt and slacks to work and picked up a couple of holsters from Kazu for my ORB Raw NS XR-E:

I wear a flashlight everyday. These holsters are very small and presentable and look good in an office setting. Soon I'll see if he can make a holster in dark brown for my L1D-CE/OP.

I haven't gotten any comments at all. Not one. If I carried a Mag 3D it might be a different story but folks hardly notice a small EDC.

My excuse is that I'm always crawling into dark cockpits in fighters and fighter simulators and having to read checklists and root around for small switches on lower panels etc. Its nice to be able to consistently have light in these settings.

If I carry a light out in the evening however, it has to be very small and it goes into hiding in my pocket. There is a limit to how much nerdiness I can tolerate lol. :D
My line of work requires the use of a good flashlight now and then. So when I've got say a 6P strapped to my hip people assume I'm headed out into the field. All my friends know I'm a flashlight geek so no big deal. In fact when they don't see a light on my hip they ask if I'm OK!

I'm happily married so I don't care what the women I meet think. When out enjoying a hike other hikers think its a good idea to have a light. Especially when I show them what a small light like a E2e or Fenix P1 can do.

Its no weirder than a cell phone.

Don't worry about it. We are what we are, FLASHAHOLICS!!! WOO-HOO!!!
I guess it depends on where you work, travel, etc. Our engineering dudes carry all sorts of tools and lights directly on their belts. I do that too when I'm outdoors. While in the lab, though, I tend to stuff gear in my pockets, but I try to stick to the minimalist philosophy when it comes to carrying stuff.
I honestly believe that over the last 5-10 years (in the UK at least) the odd torch or multi-tool carried on a belt has moved out of "batman" teritory and into "acceptable-ville"...this is due to the proliferation of multitools, ipods, mobile phones etc. I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of folks who I know that own a multi-tool. and also the strangers I often spot with these things on their belt.

That's my personal experience...but I always wear my shirts untucked, so it's rare that anybody sees my HDS in it's pouch anyaways. But when folks have spotted my light, they've generally shown interest instead of taking the ****...especially those who've seen it up close and in action.

I hope not!! naw I don't really care. I always have my HDS on my belt, my phone too. I don't like a lot of stuff in my pockets and being the hillbilly that I am I think people kinda expect it from me;)
Nothing wrong or weird about caring a light on your belt, I have been doing it for a year or so and no comments other than initially from my coworkers (all in good fun).

Besides, it doesn't look nearly as bad as running around everywhere with a wireless headset stuck to the side of your head and "talking" to yourself.:crackup:
I've decided I'm going to wear it. Yeah I paid for it so I might as well put it to good use, besides I'm going to a BBQ so it gives me a chance to show it off, maybe even drop it.
We ALL do that at some point!! I am currently looking for a holster for one of my lights.