Is no one bothered by their two toned D10?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 21, 2006
Big time lurker here since the old style forums. Received my D10 and I was a bit disappointed by the HA color mismatch of the head and the body. ernsanada pointed this out in his review so I can't be the only one. Here's a picture that really doesn't really capture the difference as it does in person.

It's something that happens in many type-III anodized lights fairly commonly, even high end $600 ones. If two-tone bothers you that much, you might want to stick with Type-II lights, since they are usually matched.
Type II doesn't hold up as well. If you want durability, accept some mismatch. If you want it to look pretty, you'll want black anodize. But you might as well paint it since it holds up just as well. I'll take "type III" over any other finish any day. Function > Form for me.
Don't get me wrong I love the D10. Guys at Fenix-Store said that the mismatch was because the body and the head use "two different types of aluminum". I'm glad though that this is normal and not a defect in production. Does anyone have a perfect matching D10?
Don't have a D10 but have a Surefire Weaponlight that looks decidedly more mismatched. It retails for over 6 times what a D10 does. The mismatch does not in the least affect its function, and doesn't bother me at all.
Which "guys"?
The box says the light is made from 7075 aluminum. I seriously doubt they would use different alloys for the head and body if for no other reason that the likelihood of mis matched anodizing will happen if anodizing is attempted on two different materials.

IMHO the color mismatch is not bad at all I have seen much worse. Like on ARC flashlights from time to time. If the head were 6061 and the body were 7075 IMHO the anodizing mismatch would be MUCH worse!!!!
The anodizing on my D10 is remarkably close in color on both parts.

You will find that unless all of the parts are placed in the same bath at the same time that you will get some variation in colors in the tint of the HAIII finish.

I would like to hear more about the use of different materials in the head and tail parts.
Can you please verify this and confirm which part uses 7075 and what the other alloy is?

Don't get me wrong I love the D10. Guys at Fenix-Store said that the mismatch was because the body and the head use "two different types of aluminum". I'm glad though that this is normal and not a defect in production. Does anyone have a perfect matching D10?
Slight discoloration wouldn't bother me like my P1D silver which i think looks kinda nice two-tone.

And I understand that in the end it's form over function but major discoloration would kinda bother me.

I'm not anal about everything..

I really wouldn't care if my toilet paper was different colors from sheet to sheet but then again this isn't the toilet paper forum.
Slight discoloration wouldn't bother me like my P1D silver which i think looks kinda nice two-tone.

And I understand that in the end it's form over function but major discoloration would kinda bother me.

I'm not anal about everything..

I really wouldn't care if my toilet paper was different colors from sheet to sheet but then again this isn't the toilet paper forum.

I agree -- I like the fact that my olive E01 has a slightly darker head -- looks good...
yaesumofo, without posting the actual e-mail here it is word for word from the Fenix-store. AFAIK the both the body and head use 7075 aluminum :shrug:

Thanks for your email. The head and the body use 2 different types of aluminum and as such the HA could possibly look different on them. This is normal and nothing is out of the ordinary.
I used to work in the automotive production industry in quality control. Whenever I saw an exterior rear view mirror that the paint didn't quite match the unit, I made them change it. Even though they were of different materials, and the mirror from an outside vender. Same way with the fascia. (the cover over the Frt & Rr bumpers)

So, does a mismatched anodizing bother me? I'd have to answer yes. It just tends to cheapen the product for me. You can say, it's just a tool but you could also say the same thing about an automobile. But look at how many take pride in how it looks.

I do realize that appearance plays a big part in auto sales but, can't you say the same thing about flashlights too. I'm sure it does to many.

I would be hesitant to say, "Here, look at my new flashlight" to someone and hand them something that looks like I put it together myself from parts. :)

That's just the way I am anyway. I have a brother though that could care less what anything looks like so long as it does the J-O-B. :crackup:

BTW, I have the EX10, it matches.
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My flashlights are tools, meant to be used.

Color mismatches wouldn't bother me at all.

As long as function is good, the cosmetics don't matter.

This light is only $55, with extraordinary function. If the external color mismatch really bug you, ask Fenix-Store if you can pay $110 to have them hand-pick one that's matched for you.

Win - win, for you and Fenix-Store.
Big time lurker here since the old style forums. Received my D10 and I was a bit disappointed by the HA color mismatch of the head and the body. ernsanada pointed this out in his review so I can't be the only one. Here's a picture that really doesn't really capture the difference as it does in person.

Do me a favor, take the light outside, and throw it out on the drive way, roll it around in the concrete, make some dings in it, then ask if the mismatch bugs you.

My D10 is a tool that is being used and abused. Already received its first scars, and still works fine. The slight mismatch in HA is of zero concern at this point.

I was silly enough personally to collect some lights just to admire, and learned how foolish that was. I got rid of my shelf queens and ordered lights I will actually use. Personally I think it's a fools errand to collect lights and obsess over their beauty, rather than use them as they are intended to. Besides, the ND10 is not a pretty light. It's a functional light, so its function makes it beautiful.
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...So, does a mismatched anodizing bother me? I'd have to answer yes. It just tends to cheapen the product for me. You can say, it's just a tool but you could also say the same thing about an automobile. But look at how many take pride in how it looks.
...I would be hesitant to say, "Here, look at my new flashlight" to someone and hand them something that looks like I put it together myself from parts.....
Funny, in my experience, when I show someone my flashlight, it's not to let them examine the beauty of the light. It's to blow them away with the output of the light, the ease of operation and switching modes, and the usefulness of having a rugged and reliable tool within reach at all times.

I dunno, maybe I'm weird, because I like to use the lights, and not show people how beautiful my lights are...
This light is only $55, with extraordinary function. If the external color mismatch really bug you, ask Fenix-Store if you can pay $110 to have them hand-pick one that's matched for you.

Do me a favor, take the light outside, and throw it out on the drive way, roll it around in the concrete, make some dings in it, then ask if the mismatch bugs you.

I dunno, maybe I'm weird, because I like to use the lights, and not show people how beautiful my lights are...

My goodness. You needed 3 posts to challenge my opinion?

Sorry you disagree so strongly. Don't get all riled up! :)

I got your point the first time. I'm old and set in my ways. I like what I like.

I don't take my new flashlight and take it out onto the driveway and roll it around just to beat it up, just like I don't take my new car and side swipe a tree with it just so it doesn't look new anymore. Normal wear and tear is fine but I expect something new to look new.

I understand the mismatching difficulties with anodizing. All I was trying to convey was that it does annoy me some, should I end up with one that is mismatched. That's it. :p
Mismatched ano happens to the best of them. Even a few of my Surefire HA's are mismatched. My third C3 is very mismatched with the head being much darker than the body. Doesn't really bother me though since it's a user. That first ding or scratch on any user/beater light hurts. I do have my fair share of shelf queens though.
My goodness. You needed 3 posts to challenge my opinion?

Sorry you disagree so strongly. Don't get all riled up! :)

I got your point the first time. I'm old and set in my ways. I like what I like.

I don't take my new flashlight and take it out onto the driveway and roll it around just to beat it up, just like I don't take my new car and side swipe a tree with it just so it doesn't look new anymore. Normal wear and tear is fine but I expect something new to look new.

I understand the mismatching difficulties with anodizing. All I was trying to convey was that it does annoy me some, should I end up with one that is mismatched. That's it. :p
Don't get me wrong, I do try to take care of my stuff, like my lights and cars, etc.

But I just realized how pointless it is, to try to expect stuff you use every day, to be pefect. If you're going to use something, it's going to get scuffed up, beat up, worn out. To be so bugged by something as trivial as a slight color mismatch on the HA coating, imho, is really wasted effort and worry. If that's the biggest problem I have all day, then I consider my day blessed.

Remember, you have a choice, to be annoyed or not. It's a conscious decision to be upset over this, so don't let something so trivial drive you nuts, it's just not worth it.

Just trying to put it into perspective. After all, I'm a guy, and I don't sit around comparing my beautiful light to another's guy's beautiful light, unlike maybe some ladies who like to compare their makeup, shoes, purses, etc. :thumbsup:
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My D10 has the mismatch, but it's the sort of thing I only noticed after I read this thread, and even then only after I shone another torch on it. Call me weird, but I think it actually looks good.

I've gotta say, the threads with users sniping at other users for daring to have different torch priorities are starting to get me down :(
One last post in this thread and I'm out.

My D10 is very similar to the OP's photo. Yes there's a very slight difference in color. The head is slightly lighter than the body. I don't consider this to be a drastic difference, and hardly notice it even though I play with the light constantly in daily use.

I guess I would suggest those who have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) could be highly bothered by this. God knows I have a bit OCD - I hate losing stuff and like to double / triple check that I've got all my stuff after leaving them somewhere. It's one of the main reasons why I carry a light - to light up the spot that I've been and make sure I didn't drop anything or leave anything behind.

But even my personal level of OCD doesn't force me to be bugged by this (any more). If you're truly bugged, it just suggets to me maybe your OCD is quite more extensive than mine (at this time, my OCD may get stronger but I'm fighting it). That's okay, but really life is too hard to go around obsessing about every imperfect thing. If you can, try to get over this, and focus your worries on more important things, like making sure your bills are paid on time, you exercise every day, take your vitamins, eat right, etc etc.

Enjoy the light, don't let the slight variation in color bug you too much. Live well. :)
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