Is the TK20 bad looking (ugly)?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2009
I like that the TK20 is neutral tint and uses 2xAA, but based on the pictures, the TK20 looks kind of ugly--which is deterring me from buying it. But it seems quite popular among CPF'ers, and I know that sometimes something looks better in real life than in a online picture.

Do you think it's not-so-good-looking? Anyone can answer, but I'm preferably looking for those who originally though it looked bad online, but bought it anyways.

PS. I'm much more of a fan of the TK-1, TK-10, etc (not TK 40). I also have the L2D, and I think it looks fine. I'm kind of fond of the tactical look.

------ Edit after many posts: To some, this light is really ugly, to others its functional and looks acceptable, and to yet others this is a nice looking light that works well. To me? Well, it's not the best looking, but if it works, then oh well.
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This is a VERY subjective question you are asking. I mean, we could all give you our opinion, but in the end, it's your call because it will be your eyes that will have to look at it every day.

Here we go.......

Personally, I like the look of it. Here it is next to my Eagle 8w.

Don't worry, they make flap holsters, and it'll be dark when you take it out.
I do not own one, but I think the one with the yellow grip looks cool!!:twothumbs I just like yellow on black.

So far there was no Fenix I could resist, but with the TK20 and the TK40 I do not have this problem.:grin2: Yes, my very subjective opinion is: It is ugly
It might be ugly, but it doesn't bother me. I didn't buy it for it's looks, I bought it for what it does. I keep it in my vehicle with Energizer lithium AA's so it's always ready to go. I got the yellow one and added a light blue GITD tail switch boot for more color. :p
I don't think that it is ugly, the TK11 is uglier! But, i don't care, both are great lights, I especially like my TK20, with the yellow grip and the orange tailcap it's nice! :D
IMHO, it's ugly. Mostly because of the grip.

Which means, eventually, I'm going to buy an ugly light. Hey, I bought an ugly gun (P32), but for what it does, like the TK20, it's the best choice.

Why? Warm LED, good output, great throw, tough construction, decent runtime, easily available (and non-:poof:-ing) AA cells, grippy rubber grip. And if you beat the c--p out of it, and it looks like it, so what? it looked terrible to begin with.

You know, if they'd make that rubber grip in Blaze Orange, or some form of camo, they'd sell alot more of them. I'd get a Blaze Orange one, no question.
As someone who owns a TK20 as well as a Husky 2D:green:, it's hard for me to consider the TK20 as the ugly one. If the Husky were redesigned to look like the TK20, we'd think it looked great.
It's your eyes and your preferance. If you want to see what others think...

For me, I don't like the look of TK20, but it still is ok to compare with other flashlights that really look like some sort of head cracking weapon.

i think it is a very attractive torch with clean lines. i would recommend that you carefully consider some of the unique design features of the tk-20. this is a 2xAA, heavy duty, light. it is over 6 inches long (158 mm), weighs 6 oz (170 grams), has a rubber grip, and only two modes. it feels very solid, dense, and heavy in the hand. this is a work light not a pocket edc.

i bought one for my brother because he works construction, is a very big man (swings a 24 oz hammer), and i thought this would be a good introduction for him to top-line torches. he loves it.


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Ugly? The TK20 is if I might go so far to say, a "manly" flashlight. It's not dainty or compact, nor is it flashy and technically advanced. It's a simple slab of a light, tough and reliable, and it reflects this nature in it's appearance, without being obnoxiously tactical looking.* I believe that it should be the flashlight of choice for people dedicated to nothing less than getting the job done, and in my experience, those kind of folks are not overly concerned about whether or not their flashlight is ugly ;)**

* Even though a simple and not overly angry looking strike bezel for the TK20 would be nice.

** Why yes, i have become a bit of a TK20 devotee...
Not ugly .. it's functional! It does exactly what it's designed to do. It's in my collection because it's a great 2xAA light that has been trouble-free with a no-hassle UI. Yellow makes it easy to find in any outdoors situation.
I will say I think it looks better in person than some of the pictures. I too would like a Blaze Orange grip. I think a few people have hit on it, its design is more utility. It's a tool, and really not a bad looking one.

I'd say if its specs interest you go for it, removing the grip is a different look. Replace the grip with a Paracard wrap and I'm bettin' people would think it was the coolest. The clip might have to go... it really says tool.

Hmmm I think I'm going to make a blaze orange paracord wrap...
+1 :)

And it spells out beware, like wasps and such.

So, anyone got pictures with the grip removed?

I do.

But I don´t know what happened with Photobucket. They changed the layout, it became very confusing, and I just cant find the IMG code to put the pics here.

It sucks!

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