*clears throat* Allow me. *cracks fingers*
In the RC car world, the most popular, most flexible, best "
bang for the buck" charger is the
Duratrax ICE (approx. $130).
Click here for a video. (19MB)
It does 1 to 10 cells. NiCD, NiMH, Li-Ion, Li-Po, and I even use it for A123's. Adjustable amperage from 0.1 amps to 10.0 amps. It can also discharge and cycle. (adjustable discharge cut-off voltage )
Charge modes: Linear, Reflex, Impulse, CC/CV (Constant Current/Constant Voltage), and 4-step, and trickle
Adjustable 0-25mV peak sensitivity for NiCd and NiMHs
10 amp motor breakin (which can also be used to power other things like LED's due to it's user selectable voltage).
Stores info for up to 10 batteries in memory
My favorite part is the built in live graph while charging/discharging. It's easy to see exactly where the battery is in the charge, and much easier to determine when it's going to end, and how it peaked, the condition of it, etc..
For a slightly better version, get the
Team Checkpoint TC-1030 (approx. $180). Offers built in backlighting, up to 30 amp pulsed discharge, extra charge mode, stonger 20 amp motor breakin, delayed charging, and a few others new features.
Usually the best RC chargers don't have built in power supplies and require you to purchase a 12V-13.8V 14+ amp power supply. Nice inexpensive power supply choice is the
Pyramid PSV-200.
I use my Team Checkpoint to charge everything. It's an excellent investment. If you purchase from Tower Hobbies, don't forget to use the coupons listed on their main page. If you have any questions feel free to ask. My recent flashaholic addiction is child's play compared to my RC addiction.