Is there any P60 drop-in with SSC P4?


Mar 8, 2004
Is there any P60 drop-in with SSC P4?

i already have a P60 drop-in with Creed and looking for more flood
The new G2L and 6PL from Surefire have P60 drop-ins with Seouls, but they don't look very floody in the first beamshots that people have posted. At some point these drop-ins will be sold separately.
DX has them, and I have three on the way. One reviewer thought they were excellent and wondered why they were not more popular. Dereelight also offered them as a standard option with the CL1H v.1.0 light.
i have one from DX too and I'm not very happy with it, because it isn't realy floody. there is still a very bright hotspot in the beam.
sorry i don't have a camera that will work for that but my friend just got back in town and he has a better camera so i will try to get some later tonight. I can say that it is 100+ lumens and has great throw, I was at a friends house this past weekend and it had no problem lighting up targets 80 to 100yds. away. like most of the DX drop-in's you must do a little fitting to get rid of the head gap, I also replaced the positive spring for better contact. no its not real floody but more like a stock surefire LA with more side spill.
how does the SSC drop-in compare to the Creed on though?

i guess for true flood light, maybe a modded KL4 w/ SSC is a better choice?

i like my SF C series LEGO and was hoping for a more flood light as a P60 drop-in
If you need more flood any cree is fine with a diffuser.
My diffuser seems to make any horrible cree beam..fantastic :twothumbs
I had a DX cree drop-in one of the old $14.00 ones if i remember wright it was around 80lm and had a tight hot spot and not much throw. the ssc is IMO much better built, brighter,more throw, with great regulation. My friend has a L2D-CE, we compared them and he even said my ssc was brighter. I have also compared it to my P61 and to me it looks brighter and has more throw. like i said the beam is more like a surefire LA but it has alot more side spill. I am also not sure what bin I have because there are two bin's listed on the DX website. my drop-in has a small reflective ring around the led that is not pictured on DX, if anyone gets one of these drop-in's please let me know if its on yours.
If you want true flood, you should go with one of their 3W Cree drop-ins, remove the emitter, drill out the reflector to 9,5mm and put a SSC P4 in it... I have done several and they are pure flooders... extremely nice beamcaracteristics.
This is photos of a G&P P90 equivalent xenonbulb(left image), and the DX 3W modded with a SSC P4 U-bin(right image).

As you can see, the Seoul is much cooler in its colorrendition, and I felt the SSC to have a higher total output than the P90, but more floody.

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