Is this a tattoo era?


Jun 3, 2007
It seems that the majority of the NBA players have them. The Denver Nuggets have more ink than bare skin it seems. About 40% of the people I see in this part of the Bay Area have them displayed (e.g. on a part of the body where clothing cannot easily cover it up).
Anyone else noticing how popular tattoos have been over the last 10 years?

They are not my cup of tea, but to each their own.
On the beaches over here, there is a lot of exposed skin and the trend you have noticed is also really obvious here as well. It seems that at some point the minority of folks will be those who don't sport ink.

I have seen a few tats which I could appreciate as art in and of themselves whether the canvas chosen was appropriate or not. In the majority of cases though, I liken these people's bodies to a magnetic refrigerator door or perhaps a cluttered dash board in conjunction with rear view mirror hangings (the piercings). :shrug:

It is obviously a personal thing and folks are entitled to do what they will with their bodies. I don't doubt that my lack of appreciation is a short coming on my part nor would my approval or opinion amount to anything for them anyway.
4 here so far.
I do keep them on areas where a T-shirt and shorts cover them. Well I guess as long as the shirt's sleeve reaches nearer to my elbow I'm covered.

Why? :shrug: Just seemed to need them. My grandfather had 3 of them from his Navy days. That might have something to do with it? No regrets on any of them luckily. No plans for more right now but if I get in the mood I'll do it again.

I think the recent trend is more to have them in constantly visible areas for some reason.
My guess is that people who keep them covered have them for more personal reasons and people who have them on their foreheads, necks, and hands/forearms are using them as either decorations or are simply seeking attention.
I think this tends to be a regional thing because I'm not noticing huge numbers here in the city with tattoos. Certainly not 40% anyway. I'm not really a big fan of tattoos although I hate body piercings way more. In either case, I consider it defacing your body but to each their own. The thing people don't seem to think about is how will this look as the years go by? A tattoo on smooth, young skin is one thing. But how will the same thing look when these people are 137 years old (yes, today's youth are likely to live that long or longer given some of things I'm reading about)? Unless we can keep people eternally young, the answer is not very pretty.
employers around here are rather sensitive to applicants with tattoos...and even questioned me about it, I had to tell the assistant that it was a bruise from a tree trimming accident :ohgeez:
Why would anyone outside of a tribal culture want to purposely and permanently deface their body?
Why would anyone outside of a tribal culture want to purposely and permanently deface their body?

it works like wearing your shirt backwards...its another era of counterculture that tries to counter the counterculture before them. Personally I'm fine with long as its not being waved around and purposely tramp stamps:shrug:

If I was ever going to get a might be my name, next of kin, Nationality, blood type. In the event that there is a flood and I'm ruined beyond facial least they can read it off my belly:ohgeez:
I wasn't aware of that one. Did it come before or after the fad of having pants falling down and other such rodeo clown fashions?

beats me... :thinking:
I think it comes after the purposeful low wearing of pants though.

Japan continued that fad by stitching underwear outside their you can still hold a tight belt but has that "design feature":crackup:
4 here so far.
I do keep them on areas where a T-shirt and shorts cover them. Well I guess as long as the shirt's sleeve reaches nearer to my elbow I'm covered.

Why? :shrug: Just seemed to need them. My grandfather had 3 of them from his Navy days. That might have something to do with it? No regrets on any of them luckily. No plans for more right now but if I get in the mood I'll do it again.

I think the recent trend is more to have them in constantly visible areas for some reason.
My guess is that people who keep them covered have them for more personal reasons and people who have them on their foreheads, necks, and hands/forearms are using them as either decorations or are simply seeking attention.

I definitely respect the personal meanings they have to many people.

Like you said though, those that have them all over their head, neck etc. are maybe looking for attention or an intimidation factor.
Like you said though, those that have them all over their head, neck etc. are maybe looking for attention or an intimidation factor.

Plus, it insures they'll likely never a job other than Taco Bell, or working as a bouncer at the local biker bar.

I can appreciate a cool tribal on somebody's arm or ankle from an artistic standpoint. However, when the ink starts going past what can be covered via a T-shirt, then it starts going beyond 'personal expression and into the weird realm of 'personality expression'. Employers start cutting interviews short, etc. I've worked various corporations for years as a contractor, and *never* seen an employee with extensive body ink because HR *won't* hire them.

Just a personal preference, but I find girls and lower back 'tramp stamps' to be unattractive as hell, but lately it seems the trend is slowing down. A lot of moms out there who got their fancy artwork 10 years ago when they were 30lbs lighter don't look quite as attractive to younger girls who get a glance of the 'ink' when mom is bending over picking up toys in the yard :)

Irony is that I know the local strip club owner, and he won't hire dancers with anything more than an ankle tatoo.
I am in the process of having one removed at this time. I paid $75.00 have it put on and $500.00 to take it off. I changed careers, so it has to go it is on my hand.
I am in the process of having one removed at this time. I paid $75.00 have it put on and $500.00 to take it off.

lasers tend to be expensive...economically and physically
On top of being physically painful (it has been described as feeling like being splattered with hot grease), laser removal can be painful to your wallet as well. Depending on your tattoo, you may need anywhere from 1-10 sessions, each costing in the range of $250-$850 per session. A large, professional tattoo in color could cost thousands of dollars to remove, and the effectiveness of the removal still isn't guaranteed.
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When I see people with:

1. Piercings, and/or
2. Thumb/toe rings, and/or
3. Tattoos

I also imagine a big blinking LOSER sign above their heads. I know it's not always true (I think), but it's close enough to work as a guiding principle - at least in my general area of the world.

I also just love it when peoples expressions of individuality becomes main stream - the sheer irony of it seems to totally elude them.
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I don't have any tattoos, and most of my friends aren't covered with them. I'm certainly not looking to meet women with tattoos, but I don't hold it against them if I find one, later, after I get her clothes off.. I'd rather meet someone with a tattoo than a smoker, but they tend to go together. (People with poor judgment).
Haven't noticed such a trend around here. However, I live in Oregon, and heating season is eight months of the year; not much skin exposed.

I don't like tattoos or body piercings in general, for exactly the same reason I don't like spraying Krylon on or twisting bits of wire through a great painting or sculpture.

All over the place, even the soccer moms are in this "style" trend. I've seen fresh ink on granny aged peeps...60+. Then in So. Cal, another land of massive cosmetic surgery, I'm not going to raise an eyebrow at what people do for the sake of appearance. ;)
Personally I'm fine with long as its not being waved around and purposely tramp stamps:shrug:

"tramp stamps" No matter how many times I hear that it's still funny to me. For whatever reason I've never had any interest in drawing on my skin and I personally find them unattractive on the opposite sex. To each their own I guess.
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I wasn't aware of that one. Did it come before or after the fad of having pants falling down and other such rodeo clown fashions?

In my day it was "pegged" pants. Pants with the legs tailored, later store bought so they were real tight. Then the bell-bottoms came later.
My father (and I) thought they were silly but he was quick to point out that in his day kids would sit with their feet pressed against a wall to curl the toes of their shoes up.
He also mentioned a fad where you wore the same pair of jeans all the time and never washed them.
They were in fashion when they could stand in a corner without your wearing them.

I'm engaged to marry Sue,
Honey, honey.
I'm engaged to marry Sue,
babe, babe.
I'm afraid to get undressed cuz
Mary's tattooed on my chest,
Honey, Oh baby mine.

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