It's Guy Fawkes Night!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
What are our brethren across the pond doing tonight?! I shall raise my glass to you and drink a good pint of beer.

God Save the Queen!!!

Ah... perhaps I'll kick back with my pint and watch "V for Vendetta"... a lovely evening! Cheers! :grin2:
What are our brethren across the pond doing tonight?!

Nothing.... We don't commerate failed acts of terrorism. But nowadays it's likely more about fun with fireworks.... Just like "V" is more about enjoying a cool movie. You sit back and enjoy. But if you think about it, the lead character was little more than a psychotic lunatic who had no problem putting innocent lives in danger, "for the cause."
I'm watching English football (or soccer).
Manchester Utd. vs Celtic.
Come on you Reds!!!

Fireworks get on my nerves. Lots of noise, unnecessary pollution and some inevitable injuries. In addition it scares animals to death.
Well for me it started at 5pm GMT,so far I have spilt two cups of tea when two bangers were aimed at my window..I guess the terrorism goes on.:thumbsdow
Nothing.... We don't commerate failed acts of terrorism. But nowadays it's likely more about fun with fireworks.... Just like "V" is more about enjoying a cool movie. You sit back and enjoy. But if you think about it, the lead character was little more than a psychotic lunatic who had no problem putting innocent lives in danger, "for the cause."

EDIT - ne'er mind :)

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All the hoodies are messing about launching fireworks at each other
around where I live :mad:
Hmm missed this the other day but a nice reminder that I've wanted to watch "V for Vendetta." Maybe some nice bitter to set the mood. ;)
Nothing.... We don't commerate failed acts of terrorism. But nowadays it's likely more about fun with fireworks.... Just like "V" is more about enjoying a cool movie. You sit back and enjoy. But if you think about it, the lead character was little more than a psychotic lunatic who had no problem putting innocent lives in danger, "for the cause."

He meant Brits. Kelmo lives in Sacramento.
He meant Brits. Kelmo lives in Sacramento.


Missed that part. I thought he was a Brit, asking us what we do on this side of the pond.

Oh well, I shall leave my other post just the way it is.... For everyone to get a good laugh at my expense. :stupid:
Bloody government banned all our bangers - but we still get some nice crackers to play with though - watched a good expensive display last night - man I want to get my hands on some of them mortars :poof::D:D:D