Javier and Barbolight

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2001
Pamplona- NA- Spain
Dear friends,

Many years ago I started as many of you here because of my interest -insane interest-on flashlights. Many years later I started to make my own lights, and I can say proudly that some of its improvements and innovations have been used by other manufacturers. The most important for Barbolight was to create tools reliable enough for tasks in which your life can depend on your lighting equipment. My background as caver and cavediver obviously influenced this philosophy, but also my experience on the spanish navy - Armada Española- aboard the F-74 "Asturias".

Many people have trusted our lights and our commitment with them and their safety, and that's a feeling that can not be paid with money. To you all THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

For reasons one day I'll explain I have decided to start new projects in life, not related to portable lighting, but to general lighting. I'm still a shareholder of Barbolight, and always will be the founder, so as long as it is possible to me I will be behind my products, my customers and my dream.

I plan to keep on making lights, but not for commercial purposes, but as "homemader" . This will be even more interesting as I won't be under the logical restraints of a company.

Hope with this you will understand my silence during the last months.

Thank you and see you again soon!!!

Sorry to hear your taking a back seat but good luck

I hope that Barbolight will carry on with the wonderful PR that you have been for the company and that we will still be still hear of the future projects of the company.

I hope this will still be an active forum? But it will need an input from the company.

Will products like the Zoom series or the X-35 still be developed?

thanks for leading me into the LED Light

Safe Diving
Good luck for your new projects, Javier!

I hope, too, that this subforum will stay alive, that new Barbolight announcements and products can be found at this place..
Perhaps you can find some time to visit this section here...

Do you like the word "Intruso"?

I like it for homemade lights. What do you think?

Regarding the updating of new projects I will ask about it.

And yes, this forum will be active, even more than the last years.

Sounds cool ;)

If it were a light for the home user it could also be "Protector", or "The Protector" - too bad "Guardian" has already been used by Surefire :crazy:

"Intruso" was the alias of Fernando Moreno, a friend, a caver and a cavediver who passed away on a diving accident three years ago.

Intruso means "trespasser", "intruder".

"Intruso" was the alias of Fernando Moreno, a friend, a caver and a cavediver who passed away on a diving accident three years ago.

Intruso means "trespasser", "intruder".


I knew that the Spanish word Intruso meant intruder/trespasser in English, but I did not know the deeper significance of your friends' alias/nickname - sorry about the loss of your friend.

Naming a product/light after your friend would be a great way to remember him.

Good Luck Javier, and I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.

Your torches have lit my way in the dark over many dives, and will continue to do so :thumbsup:
Hello Will,

You can conctact the CS of Barbolight, or directly Camino Sanjuán. csjm at barbolight dot com.



I have tried sending him email twice in the last two weeks, but I have not heard from him to get some o-ring sizes. Is there another contact I should try?

Dear friends,

I have asked the admins to keep with the subforum in order to inform you about the next lights I'm working on. The question was if the subforum was linked to a brand, or to a custom builder or modder, but finally the decission has been to disolve the subforum as it is considered linked to a brand which is no longer being represented by me.

It's been a pleasure to share this space with you, and I have to thank the CPF for the time and place to keep you informed, to share our new lights and designs, and to respond when possible yoru questions. Thanks to you all.

I'll keep on posting on the apropiate subforums, whatever I'm in, while it is related to lighting.


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