According to Jetbeam's specs, JET-III should last for 1.5 hours at 100%. Various reviews seem to say the same thing - 90-ish minutes at 100%, with an AW 18650.
I've measured the current draw at 100% and it clocks in at 1.8-1.9A
Pardon my ignorance, but how on earth does it manage to squeeze out an hour and a half out of a 2200 mAh battery at those currents? Especially considering it's regulation is pretty much completely flat.
I've measured the current draw at 100% and it clocks in at 1.8-1.9A
Pardon my ignorance, but how on earth does it manage to squeeze out an hour and a half out of a 2200 mAh battery at those currents? Especially considering it's regulation is pretty much completely flat.