Jetbeam Jet-I PRO


Aug 24, 2008
Hello guys!

I found an european site that offers Jeatbeam flashlights. I really like Jetbeam Jet-1 pro series, but those names makes me confused: What's the difference between I.B.S., and normal, and which improvements had been made with new, 2.0 version. Someone said that the first version had ineffective driver which led to poor runtimes on low and medium. Is this improved with the new version?

i'm currently using a LedLenser p5 which is great with its focusing sistem with ENORMUOUS throw for it's size, but i just need something more robust and with a greater output for walks in urban areas with streetlights, but still in 1AA range. In that kind of areas strobe could get handy too.

There are other lights to, like nitecore NDI or D10 Fenix LD10 but i really like the Jetbeam design. Could you tell me more about pros/cons about these models, or suggest another one in 1AA range?

And could you check pictures of Jet-I pro on this site
and tell me if it is really a version 2.0, because it looks like an old model of Jet-I PRO.

Thanks for all help and except my apologize about my bad english.
The only difference between the current V2 and the previous version is aesthetics, JetBeam just wanted the Jet I to look more like the other lights in the lineup. All the runtime issues were just with pre-production non-IBS models and were resolved long ago.

If you want big output and throw in an AA light, you're definitely in the right place, as the Jet is a top-rated combo of both. (Particularly if you use a Li-Ion "14500" battery, read up about Li-Ion cells if you don't have any experience with them.) I EDC a 1xAA JetBeam daily, you won't be disappointed :thumbsup:

The site that you linked to is the official French distributor of JetBeam, I have used them before with great results, they have free and prompt international shipping. You should also look into the official US distributor, BugOutGearUSA ( as they give discounts to CPF members, and carry all the newest JetBeam gear first.
Well, i've done some research, indeed, prices are a little bit lower, but including postage, and EU import taxes, the Neolumen has a better offer for european customers, although bugoutgear is very good reviewed...
Thanks for info...Now my girlfriend only needs to decide where to buy it as a birthday present for me:twothumbs
eerrrrrmmmm. the first generation Jet- 1 Pro also came with a smooth reflector only. It was also R2, and had a one way clip. Also, it has 5 modes, low, med, high, and then 2 hidden modes, strobe and SOS. teh Medium was said to be inefficeient. The Gen 2 came with the full IBS interface, Q5, 2 way clip (IIRC).

A smooth reflector will give you a bit more throw and a beam profile that is more ringy/uneven. A textured reflector slightly reduces throw but has a much more even/smoother beam profile.

If you're using your light for any sort of long-distance outdoor spotting, go with smooth, otherwise textured is a better compromise for general/everyday use.
But, it's this difference more than just noticable or it's only important to perfectionists?
You'll only notice the beam smoothness difference on a white wall, and the only way to see the difference in throw is if you had the same light with both reflectors side-by-side. The reflector makes only a marginal difference at all, and none that you'd notice in everyday use.

But small differences are still differences - if you are specifically wanting a light to view distant objects, then you'll want the tiny difference a smooth reflector makes, or if you want a light with an even beam profile, you'll want the tiny difference the textured reflector makes.
I see your point....And you're absolutely right. I've always thought that beam deifferences between smooth and text. reflector make the beams totally uncomparable. But still, for some people are important.

Thanks for reply
One serious disadvantage with Jetbeam JET I PRO is the crazy output levels: 20, 110 and 130 lumens, The same with the 2AA model JET I PRO EX: 20, 170 and 200 lumens: What gain of two that close brightness levels at mid and high, barely noticable? 20 and 130/200 lumens are good choices for the low and high mode. But the mid mode should be something like 50/80 lumens for these flashlights.

Regards, Patric
One serious disadvantage with Jetbeam JET I PRO is the crazy output levels: 20, 110 and 130 lumens, The same with the 2AA model JET I PRO EX: 20, 170 and 200 lumens

The lumen output numbers you have listed are the maximum (130) and default high and low settings - the IBS interface uses an infinitely variable brightness ramp to allow you to select any output, and adds three modes which you can write your selection to, similar to station memories on a car radio.

I, like most Jet owners, usually have mine set in a low-med-high config that in lumens works out to 2, ~70, 225 (on a 14500, 130 on a standard AA). But the interface allows you to set any possible output level or locator to any mode, so you could set it 225, 2, 15hz strobe. Or 2, 15, 60, etc.

If you've ever been frustrated by how a manufacturer sets their modes, or if you prefer to always start at some specific output level when you first turn your light on, you should definitely look into an IBS-equipped JetBeam.
Has anyone real runtimes of the new Jet I V2, better with 14500 or NIMH comparison ???
Only defect of my Pro II is not a lot more than 20 minutes (with 16340) at high (not 100%).

Pretty much all the JetBeam I and II series lights are designed for ludicrous extreme maximum output on li-ions; expect them to be brighter than pretty much everything else with the same battery format, but at the cost of runtime. That's the beauty of the IBS interface though, if you want a pragmatic high mode, say ~180 lumens, just program it in, it's whatever you want.

With the I series, using a 14500 gives you every advantage, as not only is the output increased, but so is the runtime. Plus it's rechargeable, and lighter than some other battery formats. I EDC my Jet I with a 14500 in it, knowing that if ever I were in an emergency situation, I still have all the other AA-sized options that could be found at a local drugstore or around a house that I could use.
The light I identify as the Jet-I PRO IBS (Q5) is the Jet-I PRO V2.[/quote]

Thanks selfbuilt, I wasn't sure it were V2; great reviews yours !!!

Starhalo, in effect for the reasons you said about IBS interface I really like Jetbeams: now I edc a Pro II but I plan to buy also a Pro I, fed wiyt 14500.

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