jetbeam M1X help??


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2010
hi guys & gals

after a long wait due to manufacturer defects, i finally received my jetbeam M1X from BOG. got the extender (received it today finally) to fit 2 18650's. excited & put the light together & it does not turn on. my batt are fully charged & works perfectly normal with my jetbeam IIIM. the batts are AW's 18650 2600mAh 3.7V with the triple dots on the (-) end. i recall reading something on here regarding certain batts that will/ will not work with the M1X but i cant seem to find that thread now. can someone help remedy this problem before i call BOG? thanks
i dont think my AW's are flat top. it is the newest version & so is the light. wish i could try other batts without buying
Hey boloson,

I also have the newest versions of the AW 18650 protected batteries (2600 mAh) too...just bought them a few weeks ago, and they are considered "flat-top" batteries. That's why they're probably not making contact with your M1X +/- points.

The AW 18650 batteries in 2200 mAh format have raised "button-tops" which look just like the + terminal of a standard AA alkaline battery.

Check out the AW's sales thread on the CPF Marketplace:

You'll see the AW 18650 2600mAH flat top pictured first and the 18650 button tops pictured below that.
thanks HID. will call BOG tomorrow to see if i can exchange these batts for the 2200. waited too long to test out this light
I know that feeling and frustration. I had to wait about a month from the time I got a defective Jet III-M until I got my exchange/upgraded Jet RRT-2 Raptor.

The wait totally sucks...but it's worth it in the end.
take Your 2 batts,
put them in line,
check if the negative end of 1st and the positive end of 2nd batt touch.

if not, get some small magnets (for DX, or ...) and put one on the flat top --> done
same for the positive contact inside the light.

PS: I just got 18650s from aw and they are flat top.
take Your 2 batts,
put them in line,
check if the negative end of 1st and the positive end of 2nd batt touch.

if not, get some small magnets (for DX, or ...) and put one on the flat top --> done
same for the positive contact inside the light.

PS: I just got 18650s from aw and they are flat top.

I'm just curious, why do they come that way? It seems odd for the customer to have to do all this rather than the battery maker.
I'm just curious, why do they come that way? It seems odd for the customer to have to do all this rather than the battery maker.

Because unlike Jetbeam...most lights accept flat tops. The flat-tops are designed to have max capacity by using the length of the positive terminal to put in more "juice".
The M1X I bought 7 months ago will function with LG flat top batteries. The M1X I bought 2 months ago will not.

The "V4" M1x light that I have appears to have what someone on CPF called a mechanical reverse polarity protection design that prevents the use of flat top batteries. My (not very good) pic in on thread #4 here:

If you have both versions 357mag1, can you provide a comparison?
just talked to BOG & they confirmed that the M1X will not work with the new AW's 18650 2600mAh 3.7V. great customer service from them & i was able to switch the 2600 for the 2200 so will see how that goes.
On mine, the anodzing on the extender was preventing the -ve circuit completing - I had to use some grit paper on the tube to ensure circuit continuity.

You can check for this by taking off the head and test the battery +ve terminal to the tube -ve with a volt meter. I'm using Trustfire TR18650's
just got the batteries swapped (thanks BOG by the way for the excellent service) & WOW. i thought the jet III M was bright but man the M1X is a 10x bigger & brighter light. i had the IIIM at work last night with a partner that had an old incan stinger and it made his stinger looked like a 5 watt light bulb. cant wait to test out the M1X at work. it also makes me wonder what the bigger lumens flashlights looks like compared to the M1X :thinking:
this forum truly is a bad influence :twothumbs

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