Jetbeam M1x question


Newly Enlightened
Dec 18, 2009
Hi, I am somewhat of a newbie to the heavy output flashlight world so I have a question. The Jetbeam M1x specifies a max output 450 lumen(Torch Lumen) and also a 700 lumen output.

Is this a variable setting? It lists a user configurable setting, but that seems variable.

So what gives? Any information will be appreciated. It seems like a cool light for the money.


Hi, I am somewhat of a newbie to the heavy output flashlight world so I have a question. The Jetbeam M1x specifies a max output 450 lumen(Torch Lumen) and also a 700 lumen output.

Is this a variable setting? It lists a user configurable setting, but that seems variable.

So what gives? Any information will be appreciated. It seems like a cool light for the money.


700 lumens is what the MC-E LED emitter is capable of producing at full power. 450 lumen is what JETBeam rates the M1X at out the front of the flashlight. The light has infinite variable brightness levels. You can set the light to any brightness you wish from 10 lumens to 450 lumens. :party:
Exactly. This specification (700lm) is what a MCE can at full power. While torch lumens is a measurement that indicates the real output of the torch already with losses for lenses, reflector and type of batteries.

The M1X is a great light and nice UI!!!


^ just about. Bigdaddy, keep in mind that when making light comparisons, some manufacturers will list a 'torch' or 'OTF (out the front)' lumens rating which must be tested for, while others will state the emitter output from the led manufacturers' specs.

OTF is 33% less than emitter specs in most cases.
Thanks all,

What a great forum, I have always been a flashlight freak. With all the amazing lights out there it can be hard to select but the jetbeam M1x is on my short list.

take care,
The M1X is a great light!! I got one with a warm tinted MC-E LED recently and cannot stop smiling whenever i turn it on, powerful, with a great tint too.

If you'd like to consider other multi-die LEDs, check out selfbuilt's awesome multi emitter roundup