Jetbeam M2S first impression


Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2009
I just received my Jetbeam M2S this weekend. This is my first Jetbeam flashlight and I really like the quality of the light. This is also my first sst-50 based flashlight. The only flashlights that I have to compare are a Tiablo A9 and a Romisen Rcn3. I don't own a light meter so I cannot do any tests. If people are getting lux readings of 34,000 at 1 meter, it should easily beat my A9 since those are supposedly around 20,000 lux only. But that is not the case, the A9 barely edges it out in throw even while on max mode. If the A9 is getting around 20,000 lux my guess is that the M2S is about 19,000 lux. One other thing is about the U.I. My seems to not jump to the next level if you leave it on that certain level for over 10 seconds. For example. If I switch it to low mode and leave it on there for at least 10 seconds, if I then turn it off and then turn it on, the light will be on the low mode. I have seen some people say their light jumps to the next level no matter how long they wait. I am curious if other people who own the M2S have a similar experience.
My seems to not jump to the next level if you leave it on that certain level for over 10 seconds. For example. If I switch it to low mode and leave it on there for at least 10 seconds, if I then turn it off and then turn it on, the light will be on the low mode.

Hum.. a good report! thanks for the impressions! :twothumbs
I think i'm going to have to get that Tiablo A9 with aspheric lense, if the A9 out-throws an M2S without the lense.. I need a good thrower.
Yes, I was surprised that my A9 would throw better. The lux rating for the M2S was 34,000 so I would assume that it would beat my A9. I know that from previous reviews, the M2S beam disperses a lot faster but I was still kind of hoping that it would out throw my A9. The medium mode for the M2S is really bright. I wonder how hard the LED is being pushed in medium mode?
But that is not the case, the A9 barely edges it out in throw even while on max mode.

Aspheric lenses are very hard to beat, but the beam from them are only useful for very few tasks. The below pictures show the DEFT (Aspheric) and the M2S (It is from my comparison of big lights).
If you look closely at the pictures, you can also see that the M2S has some spill on the grass.

He never mentioned that he was using his A9 with an aspheric-lens? :grin2:

@daguy80: Maybe your M2S is broken or something? It should throw noticeably farther than the Tiablo A9 (in addition to being much brighter).
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The M2S is brighter than the A9 even in medium mode. The throw is less though. I do have an aspheric lens for my A9, but the A9 with the regular reflector still has the M2S beat in terms of throw.
Nah, in other independent reviews, its been noted that the M1X throws better than the M2S. If anyone wants a truly awesome non-aspheric thrower that even makes the M1X look lame, get the Solarforce Masterpiece PRO-1.

He never mentioned that he was using his A9 with an aspheric-lens? :grin2:

@daguy80: Maybe your M2S is broken or something? It should throw noticeably farther than the Tiablo A9 (in addition to being much brighter).
I have seen lux measurements and ceiling bounce test for the M2S on max mode. If anyone has a light meter and a M2S can they do a lux reading and ceiling bounce test on medium mode and compare it to the max mode and other flashlights. The reason is because my mid is really bright and I just want to have an idea of how bright it really is. I'm thinking that 480 is otf lumens not emitter.
I have seen lux measurements and ceiling bounce test for the M2S on max mode. If anyone has a light meter and a M2S can they do a lux reading and ceiling bounce test on medium mode and compare it to the max mode and other flashlights. The reason is because my mid is really bright and I just want to have an idea of how bright it really is. I'm thinking that 480 is otf lumens not emitter.

The M2S is rather bright in medium mode, I included a ceiling bounce test with it and 16 light in my beam shot here.
There does not seem to be a how lot of difference when comparing the high and low mode on the M2S, leading me to think that the 480 lumen rating is otf. Does anyone know how hard the led is being pushed in medium mode? How is the medium mode of the M2S compared to the tk40 on high mode? Would you say they are pretty even. It seems from the graph that the medium mode on the M2S even beats the MX1 on high.
There does not seem to be a how lot of difference when comparing the high and low mode on the M2S, leading me to think that the 480 lumen rating is otf. Does anyone know how hard the led is being pushed in medium mode? How is the medium mode of the M2S compared to the tk40 on high mode? Would you say they are pretty even. It seems from the graph that the medium mode on the M2S even beats the MX1 on high.

Note that the graph is with logarithmic scale, this makes it easier to see the visual differences in brightness.

The medium on M2X is between medium high and high on TK40, the high on M2X is a little above high on TK40.

The medium mode on M2S is the same as high on my M1X, but my M1X is gen 1, the current generation has higher brightness.

All the above is according to my ceiling bounce measurements.
Do you still have the numbers from the ceiling bounce test?

Yes, I always put everything from a comparison in a spreadsheet and I save both the spreadsheet and the raw pictures both from the beam shot and of the flashlights. This way I can always render the pictures in other resolutions or with exposure adjustments and generate new graphs.

But I do not like to publish the raw numbers, the precision from a ceiling bounce is not very high, different color of the light or different beam profile will affect the value.
Does anyone have an idea of how much current the M2S sending to the led when it is in Mid mode. Mid mode makes 480 lumens and the run is about 2 hours for two 18650 batteries. Any estimates of how hard the LED is being driven in mid mode?
The main reason I was holding off on the M2S was the UI thing.

daguy80, are you saying that after leaving the light on in a mode (loosened head) for 10 sec that it's committed to memory and will be so until a different loosened head level is switched to and left for 10sec? What if you turn it on again after doing this and then turn it off again in less than 10 sec, will it still come back on in the same mode? What about switching to high/tightening the head when the light is on (from the low mode) and then turning it off, loosening the head and turning it on......will it still come on in low?
I just want to get a feel for how the UI may be working now.....if something changed or what..?
I really want a light that I can turn on in low and turn off in low, and be able to switch back and forth to high still knowing it will come back on in low next time I turn it on, even if I shut it off while in high mode.
Sorry for the run on post and tons of questions. The UI was really the deal breaker for me (though if the M1X throws farther, that kinda disappoints too).

Wish I could help with mid mode current, just know that the high is 4.0. The advertised mid mode lumens were supposedly at the emitter, which would mean the high on the M1X should be brighter (I also thought that was confirmed and not just speculated when I read it).
Sorry I took so long to respond. The light will remember the mode (head loose) if a mode is on for 10 sec or more. If it is not on for 10 sec or more then it will change to the next mode the next time you turn it on. For example, if you turn it on mid and leave it on for 5 secs only then turn it off. The next time you turn it on it will go to the low mode. As for staying on the same mode after tightening the head and then turn it off and then turning it back on, it will stay on the same mode. For example, if it is on low mode, and I decided to tighten the head to get full power, I can either just loosen the mode and it will go back to low or if I tighten the head and then turn it off, I can loosen the head and turn it on again on the low mode. I think that Jetbeam changed the UI somehow because I just recently bought my M2S and it does not seem to have the problems of other M2S in the past. I hope this answers your questions.
Thanks for the reply daguy80. Perhaps they did make a change to the UI, though it sure wasn't mentioned that I've seen. Maybe they figured it was best to just slip it in more or less unnoticed and in doing so, minimize their acknowledgement that there was anything wrong with the first units.
I guess ultimately, the memory mode ends up being the one used last for more than 10 seconds (of the head loose modes). While I don't think this is the standard for memory functions, it still is an improvement on what the early reports indicated. I'd be happy if it always just came on in low with the head loosened regardless of the last mode used. As is, it sounds like if I wanted it to come on in low I'd have to switch to low and leave for 10 sec before turning off to ensure it would come on in low mode the next time I used it.
If only they'd left everything the same as the M1X and just made the emitter and reflector change, boosted the current and called it the M2X or something.
Yes that is correct, you must leave it on for 10 secs or more for it to remember the mode. I would of been better if the time was a lot shorter though like 3 to 5 secs only. Overall I really enjoy using the light. I don't have my solarforce L900 to compare anymore, but it does seem brighter than that. And remember that the L900 put out over 600 lumens OTF so the M2S is really bright and it does outthrow the L900 by a lot.