I just received my Jetbeam M2S this weekend. This is my first Jetbeam flashlight and I really like the quality of the light. This is also my first sst-50 based flashlight. The only flashlights that I have to compare are a Tiablo A9 and a Romisen Rcn3. I don't own a light meter so I cannot do any tests. If people are getting lux readings of 34,000 at 1 meter, it should easily beat my A9 since those are supposedly around 20,000 lux only. But that is not the case, the A9 barely edges it out in throw even while on max mode. If the A9 is getting around 20,000 lux my guess is that the M2S is about 19,000 lux. One other thing is about the U.I. My seems to not jump to the next level if you leave it on that certain level for over 10 seconds. For example. If I switch it to low mode and leave it on there for at least 10 seconds, if I then turn it off and then turn it on, the light will be on the low mode. I have seen some people say their light jumps to the next level no matter how long they wait. I am curious if other people who own the M2S have a similar experience.