Jetbeam RRT-3 to much to ask for


Newly Enlightened
Feb 25, 2010
Is it possible to get a smooth reflector for rapter 3 and yes a head that could be adjusted from spot to flood is that to much to ask for. LOL
I thought they came with the smooth reflector i know mine did.
Does the smooth reflector in the RRT-3 fit the M2S. I wanted to increase the throw of my M2S.
Is it possible to get a smooth reflector for rapter 3 and yes a head that could be adjusted from spot to flood is that to much to ask for. LOL

The RRT3 does come with a smooth reflector... At least the ones I've seen.
Is it possible to get a smooth reflector for rapter 3 and yes a head that could be adjusted from spot to flood is that to much to ask for. LOL

Bronze, could you point us to the pictures you've been looking at that show the light with a non-smooth reflector?

As for the focusing, like most lights it's only going to focus in one spot. Everything else will serve to defocusing the light. It comes pre-focused.
My guess is that you are looking for a focusing (spot to flood) similar to the M@G. Its doubtful Olight will make just a focusing head for the RRT-3 and even if they did, the light would probably need to be redisigned.
I also doubt Olight will make it since Jetbeam makes the RRT-3.
My guess is that you are looking for a focusing (spot to flood) similar to the M@G. Its doubtful Olight will make just a focusing head for the RRT-3 and even if they did, the light would probably need to be redisigned.
Yes I know that OLIGHT makes the M21 I have one and was just wandering if they may come out with a smooth reflecter to play with I also was thinking of geting a jetbeam RRT-3 but I had seen that a couple of guys had recieved thiers and said they exspected more throw ,plus I like the fact that I could carri this light in a holster when I go to the mountains (blackbear) So I was just thinking if their was a way we could increase it's throw abillity as fare as the lens on the RRT-3 I thought it came with the OP reflecter my bad.
Yes I know that OLIGHT makes the M21 I have one and was just wandering if they may come out with a smooth reflecter to play with I also was thinking of geting a jetbeam RRT-3 but I had seen that a couple of guys had recieved thiers and said they exspected more throw ,plus I like the fact that I could carri this light in a holster when I go to the mountains (blackbear) So I was just thinking if their was a way we could increase it's throw abillity as fare as the lens on the RRT-3 I thought it came with the OP reflecter my bad.

the SST series LED based lights won't be throwers without extremely large reflectors. This is because of a lower surface brightness compared to and XR-E LED.

The RRT3 comes pre-focused for as much throw as possible in a relatively small reflector. Also, focusing (actually, de-focusing) systems for lights are inefficient and generally leave a hole in the center of the beam.

If you want more flood, find some diffuser material and make a home-brew diffuser.
Does anyone know when some of the guys might be able to test the SST-R I'm so tired of these companies not being completely truthfull of their emiter and OTF lumins I still realy like my M21 but I was dissapointed when I found out the numbers are not what OLIGHT was claiming. GO FLYERS