Is it possible to get a smooth reflector for rapter 3 and yes a head that could be adjusted from spot to flood is that to much to ask for. LOL
I thought they came with the smooth reflector i know mine did.
Is it possible to get a smooth reflector for rapter 3 and yes a head that could be adjusted from spot to flood is that to much to ask for. LOL
My guess is that you are looking for a focusing (spot to flood) similar to the M@G. Its doubtful Olight will make just a focusing head for the RRT-3 and even if they did, the light would probably need to be redisigned.
Yes I know that OLIGHT makes the M21 I have one and was just wandering if they may come out with a smooth reflecter to play with I also was thinking of geting a jetbeam RRT-3 but I had seen that a couple of guys had recieved thiers and said they exspected more throw ,plus I like the fact that I could carri this light in a holster when I go to the mountains (blackbear) So I was just thinking if their was a way we could increase it's throw abillity as fare as the lens on the RRT-3 I thought it came with the OP reflecter my bad.