Jump ship or not


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2009
I have 4 surefire lights and have been pro SF but at a price. I hope to ad a E2D-L to my stock but after reading on CPF that the light can be brighter on the other side iam thinking of a fenix LD10 or TK10 more lums and less money.
Fenix lights are worth trying out but don't look at it as jumping ship but rather exploring your horizons. Fenix is just one among many other fine lights out there IMO.
It depends on what you need the light to do. If you really want to stick with SF, but need more lumens, you could try a P60 host (6P, C2, etc) with a Malkoff drop-in, http://www.malkoffdevices.com

Or try a Fenix TK10 for a little more money than the cost of the Malkoff drop-in.

The LD10 SS is a nice pocket/keychain light, but the TK10 will obviously have more lumens and throw much better. :)
I have a 6P with a Malkoff M60. Great light. Very bright, very white. I also have an E2DL. It's actually just as bright or maybe even a smidge brighter than the Malkoff. When I first got the E2DL, it was dimmer and greener, but I sent it back to Surefire, and was very pleasantly surprised with the result. Much brighter than it was, and now just about the perfect warm tint. So the E2DL can be just as bright as the Malkoff M60, if you are lucky enough to win the LED Lottery. Both options are winners in my book.

Sorry, I can't comment on the Fenix lights. I don't own any.
by the thread topic do you mean that you are considering buying something other than SF or by your post do you mean you are looking at an alternative to the e2dl?
if it's the former then try this Survey Link. if it's the later then none of the lights you mention compare to the e2dl. they are entirely different.
in either case i say JUMP. nothing ventured nothing gained.
The Malkoff M60 will have more lumens, but the E2DL may have more throw.

The numbers may say the Malkoff is brighter, but based on my (very unscientific) eyes, when I do a ceiling bounce test with both lights they are nearly equal, with maybe a very slight edge to the E2DL. Both are excellent, for sure. I think I may just have a very bright E2DL, perhaps.
The numbers may say the Malkoff is brighter, but based on my (very unscientific) eyes, when I do a ceiling bounce test with both lights they are nearly equal, with maybe a very slight edge to the E2DL. Both are excellent, for sure. I think I may just have a very bright E2DL, perhaps.

I guess I do too ! :party: My E2DL is slightly brighter than my two M60's.
Runtime of both suggests a more or less equal drive current resulting in similar flux with a more collimated beam of the E2DL. All give or take a few. :)
Jetbeam III Military is a really sweet light. Being able to program the low-mode is really nice. After getting one for my GF for Christmas I really need to get one for myself!