Just found the perfect Lap Cooler for MacBook Pro


Aug 21, 2005
New Hampshire
I was looking in office supply stores, target, etc., but they were either too small or too big. I was in Crate and Barrel today and saw a plastic cutting board with four large rubber feet. The board is the same width and about 1" deeper. And the four feet hold the MBP about 1/4" off the board which will help keep it cool. It will certainly keep the heat off my lap.

I hope this will help anyone who can't stand the heat on their lap.

Doesn't the heat just get through the cutting board after a while? I'm using this Targus Chill Mat right now. Gets its fan power from the MBP's USB port. It's fairly cheap and it works great!

I need it because at the moment I'm running Parallels and among all the other things it's Windows that really gets my laptop hot enough to fry an egg. I don't want it frying my lap, so this chill mat does a fantastic job. Only drawback is it's narrower than the MBP so it's a bit too narrow for super comfort across my legs.
I usually just use a hardback book between the lap and the notebook....

my Toshiba does a good job of sterilizing me without it...you wonder who the devil thought of putting a celeron 2.8 in a laptop
I've been doing the same with a cutting board from Walmart. The HP laptop exhausts its heat right on your left leg. Much improved with the board.

Doesn't the heat just get through the cutting board after a while?

I think the 1/4" gap is enough to dissipate the heat instead of how my lap used to insulate it. The fan has come on, but I haven't noticed any heat build up.
I think the 1/4" gap is enough ...

Oh. Duh. Now I get it. I hadn't read your post carefully enough and thought the laptop was just sitting on the top of it. The board's upside down. Noooow I get it. Good idea. Glad it works well.

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