Just got my L1T v2.0


Newly Enlightened
Sep 20, 2007
Brisbane Australia
Greetings to all of you from down-under. I've been watching this site for a while but just joined today. Must say this is one busy forum! I didn't know there were so many flashlight junkies out there and some of those collections are unbelievable.

I'm just starting out. Having only had a couple of Mini Maglights and a few other general purpose flashlights over the years I decided it was time to get something a bit nicer. I just purchased a Fenix L1T v2.0 and I'm really impressed (my first time with a luxeon style lamp). Maybe not the most powerful thing out there but I wanted: 1xAA, forward clicky, simple UI, and reasonable price. Now I've got it I also like the neutral colour of this light. Lumileds claim that particular rebel as "cool white" but it's the warmest LED I've seen and looks just plain white to my old eyes and the beam pattern is perfect for what I want. No blue, green or yellow to be seen.

I bought this light from Torchworld (torchworld.com.au) in Victoria. I must say they are excellent to deal with and I had my light in 3 days as promised. Any Aussies looking to buy should give them a go and their price is on par with overseas pricing unlike most Australian dealers. (no connection - just a happy customer)

Anyway, thanks to all of you for educating me and saving me from buying another piece of junk from the local department store.

Brisbane Australia.
:welcome: Chris.

The L1T v2.0 uses a Rebel LED, not a Luxeon. The L1T Rebel puts out about 2.5 times more light than the Luxeon version.

My first "real" light after I joined here was the original Fenix L2T. A year and half and nearly 700 posts later, and I'm waiting on my L1T v2.0 to show up in the mail. :laughing:

Small world ....
It's all cool folks. I was just meaning this was my first experience with a luxeon "style" of chip - be that luxeon, seoul, cree, nichia, etc. As opposed to common 5mm white LEDs which have failed to impress (unless there's heaps of them).

And yes the Rebel data sheet still calls it a luxeon but I know what GreenLed is referring to.

Thanks for the welcomes by the way.

I'm likin' mine. Wish it were smaller.

I was worried that it was going to be kinda big for a single AA, but it seems to be the perfect fit for my hand esp held in a fist, thumb on tailswitch.
Welcome Chris,
Good to see another brisvegas aussie online.. ;)

I got my L1T v2.0 a few weeks ago and love it. I swapped the AA body for a single CR123 one using a P2D body and tailcap (from fenixstore). If you want the tactical switch you have to pull it out of the AA tailcap and drop it into the P2D tailcap but its pretty straightforward.

Just a short note to put in a plug for Torchworld.

I recently had an order go astray in the postal service (Australia Post).
David from Torchworld took ownership of the problem straight away, without any fuss. Within a week, the package had been located and delivered to me.

Impressive service indeed - thanks Torchworld!
Greetings from Melbourne! Are you sure that your L1T v2.0 is a Luxeon Rebel? My understanding is that they are no longer being made. I was looking for just such a light a few weeks ago, including at Torchworld and various overseas shops, but all I could find was the Cree Q2 version. I ended up buying one off eBay with the L1T/2T head and L1D body.

I much prefer the Rebel to the Cree versions: nicer beam profile without any rings or artifacts, nice neutral to slightly warm tint. If Torchworld really does have some Rebel L1/2T lights left then every torch enthusiast in Aus should order one before they're all gone!
The OP is a year old! It most likely WAS a Rebel.

Anyone else amazed at how many OLD threads have been revived lately?
The OP is a year old! It most likely WAS a Rebel.

Anyone else amazed at how many OLD threads have been revived lately?

The first "revive" looks like a commercial, but what do I know, I'm unenlightnened. ;)

You made a great choice for your first purchase. The Rebel has a beautiful beam. The L1T is a nice size for EDC, that is adaptable as the head can fit a number of Fenix bodies. It even runs on a standard-battery, which makes it even more appealing. Rebels do rule, it's too bad they are not more readily available.

Shine On!
Welcome to CPF Chris!
I wish Fenix had kept the Cree and Rebel lights the same small diameter as the original L1P and L1T Luxeon lights (yes the Rebel is a Luxeon). But I see why they did it: to add heat sinking and be able to use the same heads on AA and CR123 lights. Because of the upsizing I still have a couple of the old ones.
I'm likin' mine. Wish it were smaller.