Just Ordered Regalight WT1 - How did I do?


Jan 4, 2006
Hello Everyone,

I am not a new member but I consider myself new because I finally took the plunge and ordered my first higher end flashlight. I originally joined a year or so ago because I have always enjoyed flashlights and the magic of being able to create light whenever I needed it. The wealth of information here is tremendous and the forum members are extremely helpful and friendly. Infact sometimes it feels like information overload reading the indepth posts.

My current small group of lights are a variety of small mini-mag lights, 3watt Nuwaii, photon microlight II.

I just ordered the Regalight WT1 to add to my collection. What batteries have the members been using in this light? Where is the best price for the batteries?

So how did I do for my first light?
http://www.batteryjunction.com/tpen-tcr123a-.html for the battery`s. Love the 2 packs foiled together. Very easy when replacing battery's.

Great little torch with very usable beam and spill, and huge overall output:thumbsup: I use it with the smooth reflector. I don`t mind the rings and it gives me the extra throw:cool:

You`ll love it!

Hello Everyone,

I am not a new member but I consider myself new because I finally took the plunge and ordered my first higher end flashlight. I originally joined a year or so ago because I have always enjoyed flashlights and the magic of being able to create light whenever I needed it. The wealth of information here is tremendous and the forum members are extremely helpful and friendly. Infact sometimes it feels like information overload reading the indepth posts.

My current small group of lights are a variety of small mini-mag lights, 3watt Nuwaii, photon microlight II.

I just ordered the Regalight WT1 to add to my collection. What batteries have the members been using in this light? Where is the best price for the batteries?

So how did I do for my first light?
Get 18650, some charger and primaries as a backup. 18650 gives you long runtime with good regulation and no costs in the future (rechargeable). Primaries are not always so cheap especially when you need them in the middle of nowhere (that's why I do not use them).
So how did I do for my first light?
Good choice, it's a fantastic package for the price.

As for batteries, most here (myself included) recommend a single-cell Li-ion rechargeable. CPF user AW sells the most popular ones are here. The size you are looking for is 18650, with an appropriate charger.

Enjoy the light!

P.S.: see the master list of my reviews in my sig for a direct comparison of the WT1 to other throwers or the Fenix T1.
P.S.: see the master list of my reviews in my sig for a direct comparison of the WT1 to other throwers or the Fenix T1.[/quote]

Thanks to everyone who has responded to my post. Selfbuilt I have read a bunch of your posts and have also bookmarked a link with all of your posts for later review and reference. Bravo for an incredible job for all your effort and time you put into your well written/photographed reviews. It's posts such as yours which make CPF such a great resource.

-Light up the Darkness ~*

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