just received my EX10 GDP


Newly Enlightened
Nov 17, 2005
I am a bit disapointed about the output of my new EX10 GDP compare to my "old" EX10 Q5...

Sure the beam is more beautiful. A bit like my Novatac 120P but what a difference in term of throw and output compare to the Q5.

Its hard to believe that this light is 130 lumens...
you have me worried, i have a d10 on the way and went with the golden dragon. I heard they werent quit as bright, but i hope not that big of a difference.
I have an EX10, and was considering getting an EX10 GDP...but I think you have convinced me not to get the GDP!
I tried them outside.

My EX10 Q5 has a lot more throw....

I have the same experience as you. The sample I had was significantly dimmer than the Cree. Tint was nice though I'm not sure it's a good tradeoff :thinking:
I have both a D10 Q5 and a D10 GDP.

I am disappointed with the GDP for the following reasons:

1) It's not as bright as the Q5
2) It's got a purple tint. The Q5 is "just right" with a slightly warm tint
3) On High (With an eneloop) the GDP's runtime is about 45 minutes (5 minutes less than spec). The Q5's runtime is about 1:05 about 15 minutes more than spec.
4) I did not compare the throw between the two, I don't care about this
5) I don't care about rings or lack-of-rings either.

IMO, OSRAM has a ways to go with the GDP it's not even close to a Q5 for what I value (runtime and tint).

I regret buying the GDP and it will probably get sold or gifted away to make room for something else - probably an Olight M20 Warrior Premium R2 for Christmas.
I'm just waiting for the EX10 GDP that I ordered a couple of days ago. It's going to be my firsts quality light (hopefully). Let's see what kind of sample I get.
What batteries are you guys using in your EX10 GD+ that have been disappointed? Have you tried AW R123 3.7v's? I'm running AW R123's and while my Q5 version has more total output, my GD+ version has more throw.
I am using Surefire's CR123.

The color of the beam is also on the pink side...

Anyway...personaly, i dont think that the Osram dragon plus led is a big evolution in the illumination world....less output, bad color, less runtime and less throw....if it was so good some other company would use it....
I am using Surefire's CR123.

The color of the beam is also on the pink side...

Anyway...personaly, i dont think that the Osram dragon plus led is a big evolution in the illumination world....less output, bad color, less runtime and less throw....if it was so good some other company would use it....

It sounds like there is a limited amount of good bins, and the ones that make it into the best bins have a bit of variation. You would probably get more output from a R123 3.7v.

Also they use the Golden Dragon in the Ra Twisty.
Thanks for the info. I tought that they were the only one to use this led...
i've had 4 ex10s. 3 cree and one gd+. the golden dragon is not as bright as any of my ex10 crees. the cree rings did not annoy me, and my 3 crees all had nice tints and better throw. however, i sold all 3 crees because my gd+ ran much cooler and i like the beam pattern better. for my uses, tint and throw are not deal breakers.

i use duracell primaries.

when i get a d10, i will likely get the cree, as i have heard the d10 gd+ runs hot and loud.
when i get a d10, i will likely get the cree, as i have heard the d10 gd+ runs hot and loud.


My D10 GDP has a very soft whine only when at maximum brightness and even then I have to have it within 1" of my ear to hear it. One step down in brightness and I can't hear any whine at all. Re: temperature, just by touch, it doesn't seem to be much different than the D10 Q5. I ran both side-by-side during initial testing. I guess YMMV..

+1 on the D10 Q5
I've been waiting for the clips to come in before ordering one of the Nitecore PD lights and couldn't decide if I wanted the Cree or GDP. I haven't been as focused on lights lately so I'm a little behind the times. I think this thread has helped me decide to go for the Cree Q5.
I am just coming back from a walk in the forest so i had the chance to compare both Q5 and GDP. I will fore sure keep my Q5 and sell the GDP!

Btw. My C2 P60L is very good for walking in forest. Good spill and some throw. And when i need more punch, i use in the same time my M3 in short burst.
My D10 GD also only has a very slight high pitched noise on the full setting. Backing it off only slightly eliminates any noise. The beam from this torch is more powerful than the 'high' setting on my Q5 equiped Fenix L2D as you would expect. The Fenix is more powerful on 'Turbo' but not by much and only for 10 minutes - it heats up very quickly - I feel sorry for the poor thing it gets so hot! My GD tint is a lot better - the Q5 is 'too white'. It tends to bounce off foliage too much - too much glare! The GD tint is alot better. The D10 runs alot cooler than the L2D on turbo! Overall, I'm pleased with the GD D10. What more would you want in a 1AA torch!
I've been waiting for the clips to come in before ordering one of the Nitecore PD lights and couldn't decide if I wanted the Cree or GDP. I haven't been as focused on lights lately so I'm a little behind the times. I think this thread has helped me decide to go for the Cree Q5.

CREE has been accumulating quite a track record as far as high power LEDs, along with SSC.

Why go with a maybe when you can go with a frontrunner? :thinking:

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