I dont really have a budget. I could spend up to maybe $50 but these are lights only used once in a while in the glovebox's of my different cars.
I do want to get a nice big handheld maglight style flashlight for the house to replace my 100 led one I have now. It has 100 leds and I thought it was really bright yet the ultrafire is brighter and its the size of a peashooter compared! lol Any ideas? I want something big that puts out lots of light but is big enough for protection if a burgler breaks in or something.
Where are my manners?? *Ahem* :welcome:
Well, with a budget of up to $50, I'd say get your lights from a source other than DX or KAI. I'm no longer well versed with the multitude of lights being sold by dx or kai but from the pics of your UF C3, quality seems inconsistent or even downhill. When I used to order UF C3s for gifts, the internals were MUCH MUCH better. Clean solder joints, smooth threads, gold plated contacts, etc. Looking at the internals, I don't even recognise the light anymore.
For riding in the glove compartment, I'd worry if some of the shoddy solder joints in the light could eventually fail from all the impacts.
I'll suggest you look at some of the lights available at brick & mortars in the states. With lights from B&Ms, you'll at least have some QC control. For lights in the $20ish range, perhaps one of the AA river rocks? Also look at the reviews for lights such as the 2C cree taskforce. I'm not keen on alkalines in my car light so I personally keep a fenix p3d w/ cr123s in my glove compartment. I suppose you could also go with 1.7volt AA lithums.
A stock cree light that closely matches your maglite style requirement would be the cree rayovac 3C.
My personal $0.02 would be just to wet your feet with no more than a handful of dx/kd lights. After the max lumen rush passes, you'll want to step up to better quality lights. No sense in stocking up on pile of subpar or just okay lights when you'll eventually be happier with a handful of good ones.
Hope that helps.