Kaidomain KD ssc-U AAA


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 25, 2007
Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
Just got my Kaidomain KD ssc-U AAA a couple days ago. It is a really nice little AAA light for 15 bucks. It is a single stage twisty with a very nice black ano finish. The battery rattles a little but no biggie. A little thicker O-ring would be nice for a bit more friction in the twisty but not a deal breaker. good tint for a SCC-U Led. Try it you'll like it!
Kai did mention in his CPF Marketplace Dealer Forum thread that he is working with the manufacturer on creating an improved version. Hope it comes out soon. I've been enjoying the one I received. Very bright and usable beam - wide hotspot. Battery life will probably be really short, especially compared to SSC 1xAA lights.
I would definately buy the improved version as I am really happy with the current and one cannot have enough lights, can one........lol
I put a small foam doughnut in the tailcap to stop the battery rattle. AAA primaries actually have a small nipple on the (-) end of the battery, and it works fine. My NiMH don't have this nipple, so they don't work with the foam doughnut. I also have the AAA Ultrafire SSC light. It is a little smaller and has a smaller reflector. The output from the Kai light is a little brighter.
Just got my Kaidomain KD ssc-U AAA a couple days ago. It is a really nice little AAA light for 15 bucks. It is a single stage twisty with a very nice black ano finish. The battery rattles a little but no biggie. A little thicker O-ring would be nice for a bit more friction in the twisty but not a deal breaker. good tint for a SCC-U Led. Try it you'll like it!

It really is a very nice little light. It seems really sturdy. Battery rattle is easily fixed but I find if I don't shake the light I don't hear the rattle! :)
To make the foam donut work with Nimh, just put the donut down into the light so it allows the nipple at the positive end to make contact. It's a little more tricky to position it so it doesn't get in the way of contact, but once set into place it will stay.

The main limitation of this light is runtime IMO. I have been trying to give it a low with a 5 Ohm resistor, but although I can get it to sort of work, all of my solutions require too much space in the tailcap. With the space taken up by my resistor and foam assembly, the tailcap doesn't quite thread on down to the O-ring and it is too wobbly.

Too bad there isn't a *very* flat resistor disk that could be pressed to bypass the resistor for normal mode. They could be used to modify many twisty lights for the addition of a low mode. I have seen people make their own for AA lights, but AAA lights like this have so little room that you really need something that was manufactured and not just homemade for it to work reliably in this amount of space.

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