Keep E2D and VG FB2?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 22, 2005
I don't normally post threads like this, but this time, I'm feeling I need some additional help as I've been contemplating this for some time.

I have an E2D that I've never used...turned on a few times, but that's it. And a VG FB2 body with E2e head. Both are about 60 lumens with about 1hr runtime to 50%. The VG FB2+E2e combo is only about 4.3" long, so very small for a 2x123A incan light. Both feel good in the hand and are pretty easily pocketable (love the bezel down FB2). I also like incan light as I prefer the color rendition and depth recognition it provides for greens and browns. And...I just like the E2D and the FB2+E2e.

However, for less money, I can get a well made 1AA light with Cree or SSC now that is smaller (3.7" - 4"), uses a single 1AA, almost as bright (most are 45-50 lumens on an alkaline AA), and runs for 1hr on high also (or longer on lower levels). Dexlight X.1, Rexlight 2.1, and Lumapower LM301 are all >$40.

I still have my other incans that are higher power (150-210 torch lumens) that offer more output for the money (an equivalent output LED light would cost hundreds due to the need for multiple emitters) that I will keep.

So, does my E2D and FB2+E2e serve any purpose anymore in my collection? It's hard now for me to find usage for them. When I carry my FB2+E2e, I think "hmm, if I had an LED light the same size or smaller, I could have more runtime w/o sacrificing much in output". But I just like the look and feel of the E2D and FB2+E2e. If I go camping or outdoors, I'd bring an 18650 light for its output and runtime and a couple of my higher power incans for when I really need light and for fog/mist/rain.

Ah, how it torments me...

Question is; do you need the money? If you don't, then just keep the lights. Or better, put in some more money to get the lights modded to LED if you are absolutely sure the color rendition isn't an issue.

Or just keep them for fog or outdoor use :D I have a Z2 that hardly gets used at all too; and I'm so tempted to get one of those drop-in Cree modules for it, but I already have so many LED lights I don't need it. Instead I got a Lumens factory 3.7v lamp for it and run it off 1 x 17670 for when I need some nice incan light :D
(yea I can still get a Cree module and swap it in when I need, but I always have my Gladius + CL-E with me, so I guess I don't need it)

Actually, if we weren't flashaholics, a flashlight is a flashlight is a flashlight. Most of them will do what the other will do (to some extent). I mean the basic thing is providing light, and more runtime the better. So go with what suits your needs and sell/collect/mod the rest :D
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Don't *need* the money, but I always think of selling old stuff I don't use to get new stuff so as to minimize what I actually spend on this, and other, too-expensive hobbies.

Held my E2D feels so nice in the hand. Fits in my hand perfectly, perfect amount of texturing...just so comfortable. Grrr...what to do....
I 2nd the E2d with a Lumens Factory HO-ER2 for use with a 2X123 style li ion batt. 100 lumens roughly, very bright with the cut of a incan but still small. VDG
I have the same problem. Tricky isn't it. I woulden't always post about a subject like this, seems like to much time wasted on worrying about nothing. But I'm in the same boat.

I have an E2D, well its actually E2D head and tailcap and a Black Balrog body.

I chose the Plain, aftermarket body deliberatley for the fact it said defender on it , and the legal implications that that could intail where I live.

It was my first decent light, and I did alot of fun stuff with it. It was tough to source an E2D head, and tailcap at the time, as there was no lighthound or spare part sources.

I had to wait for the balrog bodies to be made from start to finnish, and then moved on the modding it.

I stuck on a Vital gear clip as the balrog has no clip, so It is now a bezzle down E2D

Put a chopped up P91 in it, and did the stiron mod, and TL3, with the scorpion base. Also Tried the 1499 but that didn't work, also looked into other bulb mods

Never got round to getting the L.F. Lumens Factory Rechargable lamp for it, ( YET :) ) but I keep thinking I should, but with the better bang for the buck lights out there now it makes me wonder if its worth it.

Feel so good in the hand, but I know what you mean.

The way I look at it, it was a bargin, I realy scored on the price I got all the bits for, back in the day, and learned alot from it, so the hours I have in are more than it would be worth to sell.

And then I get on to the Vital gear F2. I put alot of $ into lamps and cells for this

I got the whole light ( F2 bezzle and FB2 body), and chased around for protected cells that could power a P90 lamp with a single click. Eventually after much badgering AW made some cells that could handle it, so again, even thought the light and its output is now somewhat dated, it was an experience, and the FB2 body is sweet with the e-series bezzle on it. + anything Vital gear is worth hanging onto as they are no longer made.

So the lights are old, but When I think a cree in 6P sized light with a 18650 would run for a long time, you'd have to bore out the 6P, and so I'm sure I could get a cree module into my VG head for the same trouble, and I I were to move up to the.

Plus Untill I find a light that will accept 2 18500 and a P91, that look cool, and are as small as can be, just like the Vital gear line was/ is, I'm not even going to think about stepping away from my E series lights. I wouldent even move up to the 6P/ C2 / M2 size, as without boring they dont offer much over the e-series or VG line; so I'd have to jump that step , and go 9P

I had a friends Vital gear FB3 and F2 head, and that tormented the hell out of me. Its the right size still for pocket carry, but only takes the 17500 cells, and with all the kurling and cutouts, if they would he just build the tube straight, they could have fitted in 18500 and that would be the smallest, bezzle down, P91 setup., I sent It back to him, but I still bugs me, It would have made the vital gear F2 I have useless.

The whole E series thing bugged me so much, I dived headfirst into hotwires, So now I usually have a 100W ~3000 lumen hotwire on hand nowerdays in various different mag hosts, so the lumens that I get out of an e series in total, are easily lost lumens in my hotwires if I get some additional few mOhms of resistance somewhere. :D

After you look at the beam of the e series after having a hotwire on, it seems pointless, so dont worry that these new LED are kicking but, hotwires are the way to go forward.

I'm still keeping my E series, Your right, they are getting a bit long in the tooth, and the runtime, of 30-45 mins with a what I now think of moderate output, rechargable solution from the brightest lamps that could be fitted in is annoying, But think of the in hand form factor, there arn't many lights that fit the hand as well as these, for me anyway, I like mine as a small pocket sticks, & although I doubt it will ever get the use as such. The smaller lights you talk of are just that, Small. To small for my hands. I have a small Cree 1 x RCR light thats bright, embaaresingly bright stood next to my E2e, but with the same 30 min runtime it is harder to operate as its a twistly.

If Somebody brings out a Cree or Seoul light with the small E2D/ Vital gead F2, in the hand form factor with forward clicky, that can take RCR 123's, and multiple modes, and good styling I think My little E series troubled brain will pop
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3rd the Keeping the E2D. Its a good light to have in a collection. Mine doesn't get too much usage but when i do use it its very useful. So +1 more on Keepin the E2D
Should be be expecting a new drop in module for the E2d? Either LED or incan?
Thanks guys. I'm definitely leaning towards keeping my E2D and FB2+E2e.

Raoul - you summed things up great. I'm right there with you on all your comments and thoughts. The 1AA lights fit ok in my hand, but it's less the fit than it is the grip/texture. The E2D and FB2 don't slip in my hand when I press the button, but the 1AA lights do often, especially when my hand is a bit wet, tho I do like their size in my pocket. The closest thing I've found to matching the functionality, and coming close (it's bigger) to comfort to the E2D and FB2 is the Dereelight CL1H 2.0. It's larger, so not as comfortable for me to hold, but still comfortable for it's size, bezel down carry, forward clicky, and 2-modes (high and low) that are easy to change. But it's still quite a bit larger and heavier than the E2D or FB2. I'm with you, someone needs to make something like the E2D in LED form to keep all the great ergos, size, etc. in an updated package.
Yeah, too bad those are custom. Someone should come out w/ a production version...that'd be sweet!

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