KL4 Head : First Impressions.......of Joy!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 20, 2006
Ampang, Malaysia
Hi to all,

Received my long awaited KL4 led head from fellow cpfer T4R06. Put in on the E1L body and Z57 clickie. Wow!! It is a WALL OF LIGHT! Twice as bright as KL1 running 2x3.7 R123s and a small donut which is minor IMHO. Whiter than KL1 and no evident of artifacts compared to KL1 w/TIR optics. For the price, I think it is justified and worth it.

I think next on the list would be a 2-stage clicky!! With the single cell configuration and a 2-stage TC, you have a really compact and capable edc.

And to all those newbies thinking of getting the KL4 or the complete L4 light, just get it!! It is a good start and well worth it..IMHO

Got my first KL4 also last week, it is indeed a wall of light.
Outdoor my reflector-modded KL1 does have more throw,
but the LuxV KL4 has a much greater output. No donut hole whatsoever here.

I use mine with a FV-FB1 body, which has a much smoother clicky compared
to the SF-clickies. Drive them on RCR123 from Aw, really bright !!

Might swap emitter for Cree or SSC...

Enjoy your new toy !

p.s. did you also notice the head/bezel of the KL4 is shorter then the KL1 ?
Yes, Its much shorter than the KL1 bezel. So now with the single cell bodies, it looks more balanced IMO. Just wondering what serial number is your KL4? Mine is #399XX...

In my line of work, inspection test and commissioning of wellhead control panels, I think the KL4 output may well fare better than the KL1 head, since the spill on the KL4 is more pronounced for close quarter works.

At least I can see the led now........not with the KL1 which hides behind the optics...
My KL4 serial is A10140.

BTW, if you swap the TIR optic for an McR-20 (or IMS-20) in your KL1,
you'll have a much nice beam, with spill and will run more efficient then the KL4. (I think ?)

Did that to mine also, and the result is very nice...
oh, btw...
My KL4 is no longer a Virgin...

More info here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=162146
Nice..you don't waste much time..eh?

You are right, about the KL1 mod..many reviews and many have done with satisfying results. I'm still not wanting to jump on the mod wagon yet...maybe one day when I have the confidence....

Oh I've also ordered a couple of 17670 from AW. Plan to run it with the E2e/E2d TC.....hopefully can get a better runtime on high brightness. These LuxV are runs very hot ......

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