Knife Question

Probably junk, but thats just a guess, doesnt even list the type of blade steel, just some mystery SS
What would you plan on using the knife for?
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I dont really know to be honest havnt really made one id spend £100 max on a nice knife im gona wait until monday or tuesday to purchase, i do want a knife similar to the nieto one with sheath and maybe a small serated bit at the handle if u know what i mean
Check out some of these Mora's. They are around your budget (you'll have to search elsewhere for a price) and if you look at their other product pages they have some much under your budget. I have the 311 model, laminated steel, cuts like a razor out of the box. From what I understand all of their knives use good steel although I am no knife expert. Great Great Great Knives. Keep it touched up with a ceramic rod and you'll be good for a long while.

Also usually for around 20-30 USD you can pick up a J Marttiini which I also have and really like. Very similar in looks to what you had posted. Again, I believe they use a good steel.
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