Knuckle Love


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
Heres some knuckles I made from 1/2" Plate aluminum for a girl I was dating.
I used a Uni-Bit to drill the finger holes and cut the overall shape with my bad-*** jig saw.
I hand shaped it with a file and polished it.
She loves it..:thumbsup:
Anyway, thought I'd share.

Anyone else have knuckles?

Crappy brass knuckles, I mean "belt buckle," from Mexico.

1/2" thick Lexan Knuckles, sadly they went out of business.

My new 0.7" (17mm) thick Titanium "Buster" from RaidOps :naughty:, with custom sheath from LCG Gear (looks blue but its standard black Kydex). LOVE IT. Might even get another for the other hand lol. Once again both KiM from RaidOps and his friend at LCG Gear continue to impress. Got a UDT Rail and SKull Jr too!




I had a pair of the "belt buckle" style when I was much younger.
I have 30 years of martial arts training in 4 different styles and much prefer a palm strike rather than knuckles, less damage to my old body and very effective.

Nice looking work Da. Just in case you did not know your girl friend will want to be very careful with those Da, as I assume she also lives in Michigan near you? According to Michigan law

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]MCL 750.224[/FONT] prohibits the manufacture, sale, offering for sale or possession of a blackjack, billy, metallic knuckles, sand club, sand bag or bludgeon. It does not specifically list Ninja-type sticks. However, they could be considered a dangerous weapon, depending on the use.[/FONT]

if she is caught with them in her possession she could be in a bit of legal trouble. Just letting you know, just in case you were unaware.
Thanks Lee....:wave:

I told her it is VERY important that she NEVER take them out of the house.

I told her it would likely result in jail time and a felony.

Thank you very much for looking out Lee!!

I noticed she had been painting them on stuff so when they were done, I put them inside a display case as "Art" and gave 'em as a gift..
Ummm, I noticed that you used the past tense when you referenced your girlfriend :whistle: Nice work anyway, wish I could do something like that.
Where I get a lot of the stuff I make things from....the dumpster..:eek::ohgeez:

You wouldn't even believe the raw material I've found being thrown away..:naughty:
Hehe, 'death's head' is a kind of knuckle duster. Intended?

Awesome design btw, I love how you could explain it away as a simple carabiner or something.
KEYP Safe :thumbsup: In case you want them right now!

I have a set of cast Al ones that I got from my uncle's dresser after he died of a heart attack when I was 14. I have no clue where or when he got them. I'll have to get a pic of them!
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Nice work DaFab. It looks like you put a lot of attention and detail work into it. It's very "pro!"

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