L1D issue


May 13, 2006
Montgomery County, PA
I just received my Fenix L!D today. I put a battery (Alkaline) in it and it would not turn on. So, I tightened the retaining ring in the tailcap and it worked. However, I'm not able to access turbo mode. When I turn the head, it is the same brightness as the hi mode. The strobe works but what is supposed to be turbo is no brighter than high. Anyone got any suggestions?
I just received my Fenix L!D today. I put a battery (Alkaline) in it and it would not turn on. So, I tightened the retaining ring in the tailcap and it worked. However, I'm not able to access turbo mode. When I turn the head, it is the same brightness as the hi mode. The strobe works but what is supposed to be turbo is no brighter than high. Anyone got any suggestions?

It's normal.
Turbo is 120 lumens vs High 107 lumens.

Of course you can't see any difference..
The only way you're going to see any difference between high and turbo on an L1D is to use a 3 volt lithium AA battery, and those are not easy to acquire...
I just received my Fenix L!D today. I put a battery (Alkaline) in it and it would not turn on. So, I tightened the retaining ring in the tailcap and it worked. However, I'm not able to access turbo mode. When I turn the head, it is the same brightness as the hi mode. The strobe works but what is supposed to be turbo is no brighter than high. Anyone got any suggestions?

Well there's your problem....

120 vs 107 isn't a big difference to begin with, but a silly old alkaline simply cannot provide the juice required for the high setting of any light.
I also popped in an Ultrafire Lion and of course all it is is turbo...I honestly thought that all of the modes would be available with Alkalines...but dimmer than using Eneloops or Lion...