L2D CE as bike light


Newly Enlightened
Jan 16, 2007
GDay, someone asked me to report on this when I'd some experience, so here;s the drill from the weekends race:

- Several of us used the lights as either helmet or bar lights for a 12hr MTB race, 6 hrs of which was dark.
- In short- sensational! Despite what Ive read others say, theyre bright enough (comfortably) for racing with one (pref 2) on bars (mounted using u-bolt and little plates) and one on the helmet (I just zip tied mine on- simple, light and strong).
- Reliability was my question- they take a pounding on the bars- but so far so good.
- Much brighter than my old set up (decent niterider halogen and marwi elite), and much cheaper. no wires,no batt packs on frame or in jersey.

Re the output, some might ask or comment re the comparison to HID or similar. The answer is yes others are brighter, but its moot as far as I'm concerned- this is BRIGHT ENOUGH for comfortable racing (I'm no pro but no slouch either), and you cant beat the price and simplicity.

I had a car charger running to keep me going, and this allowed 2 hr stints on tack- enough for me. Otherwise more batts in jersey.

A weak comparo from the weekend was the niterider minewt (sp?), selling for $375 aud. About half the output of ONE l2D CE I reckon, and best part of double what I paid for three!

Anyway, hope this helps,


PS: If youre in australia, David at torchworld gave some top customer service- recommended! http://www.torchworld.com.au/catalog/index.php
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i have australian friends

but those who dont wont know what moot means

Just for your info the word [/B]moot is used and understood in Scotland and the U.K.
mut is an australianism, afaik

(rhymes with put, as in "put down")

it is a somewhat derogatory reference to the primary female pleasure hole
I wonder if someone could ask Fenix to offer a handlebar or helmut mount. It could open up a whole new market for them!
You mean like this?

Completely Homemade:
Reflector mount
Velcro straps
Custom cut screws
Anti-slip padding
Rubber coating
I wonder how those cheapy mounts on Dealextreme would suit the Fenix?

I think they might be too wide in the mount to accept 'em, but who knows!
I have a couple of TwoFish Lockblocks from Lighthound to mount lights on my mtb bars. I have not used these as primary lights, but backups for when I cannot get home before dark. The rubber blocks grip well and dampen vibration.

I might have to get a couple L2D-ce lights now. Like I need another flashlight..... :grin2:
Strauss said:
What level were you using?

Based on the fact that he is racing through the woods, and his charging set-up in the pits, I am guessing he just cranks them down to turbo and let's it ride.

My bike bar attachment is REAL simple now. I cut a block of hi-density packaging foam with a sharp kitchen knife and add a v-groove on one side and another at 90 degrees on the opposite side. Then I set one groove over the bar, rest the light in the top groove and pull a couple of #64 rubber bands over the bezel, under the bar and around the tailcap. Tight enough not to go anywhere (add more bands for more stiffness, if needed) yet flexible enough to adjust beam angle for different conditions while riding.

I like your rig. Does the light come off the bracket easily for use offf the bike? Can you show other pics that show the braket construction? Great idea-

Your idea is elegant in its simplicity 'though there's nothin' elegant about rubber bands and packing material. I really love it-:lolsign:
I guess the two-fish blocks are the commercial version-
Thanks for the great ideas
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Thanks for the report on the triple-L2D CE setup for your bike.

I am running a L1D CE on my helmet and a L2D CE under the front boom of my recumbent bicycle. Together, they light up the road very well and I am very pleased with their performance.

Maybe I should get another L2D CE so I can go faster?
Man there's some traffic on this site! Will post some pics in the next week or so- going for a decent night ride tonight and will try to get some snaps (no promises re my photography!).

Some of the mounts above too complex for me- as you'll see I'm into lighter/simpler/minimalist..
Not sure what kind of runtimes you guys are getting but I get a solid 2:30 on Turbo mode with my l2d-ce using Duracell 2650mah nimh..

I think that the bike manufacturers will be running to cree xr-e and seoul p4 emitters.. It looks like Dinotte already has a triple cree light coming out that is putting out 500 lumens.. Here are some of the new lights, I think many of them are way overpriced compared to what you can buy a nice hid system for.. They have some nice beamshots..

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Re: L2D CE as bike light Handlebar Mount

Regarding Handlebar Mounts:
I just saw LiteMania's thread in the Dealers Corner titled "Surplus Sale *Constant* : Luxeon, K2, Torch and other parts". Parts #25 & #26 are mounts which accept different size lights for $3.80 [ + $5 ship per order]. Post #141 has pictures. Does anyone have any experience with these?
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