Large sheets of perfboard


Newly Enlightened
Apr 30, 2009
i am trying to find somewhere that i can purchase standard fiberglass or any kind for that matter sheets of perfboard.

I currently buy small pieces for making my lights from radioshack in 4 x 6 sheets but i need something more along the lines of 36" or 3 feet long.

Width is not so much as important as long as it is at least 1" long.

So far no luck finding anything at all.
i looked into it and its extremely expensive compared to what i pay now.

about 3x the cost and thats only if i order a minimum of 200.
thank you very much.

Just ordered an 8.5 x 17 inch piece for only $30 great price.

Still only half the total length i want but atleast this way instead of having to piece together 6 pieces i can use two.


If anyone comes across a 36" or longer than 17" pieces let me know please!

Thanks all.
It may be expensive to have PC boards made but in the long run they are cheap compared to your time or labor cost. That is why they exist and why every manufacturer in the world uses them instead of perfboard.
well my problem is i am willing to go printed, but i dont think i have the customers required at this time to make it worth it to buy 200 circuit boards. I just started out.
I am actually thinking about finding a company that will assemble all the circuit boards for me, and all i have to do is put them together in a housing.

Does anyone know of a company that offers the services of both acquiring the parts i need, most likely luxeon K2s or rebels with TIR style reflectors. And then assembling them in circuit boards with 3 to 6 LEDs and reflectors each?

Would be prepared to order $1500 worth at once.
There are jobshops all over that will do that but it will cost you more than $1500/order and you will need to supply the PC board or pay for making one. It takes $$$ investment to produce a product.