Larson's corn maze


Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2003
there are never enough opportunities to justify high end lights when you live in a big city unless your vocation requires it. we decided to take a trip to larson's moonlight corn maze last night based on inspiration from a couple previous threads:

we actually tried to visit last year but a hurricane spoiled our plans so it was twelve agonizing months of waiting.

at first, i contemplated taking along an eveready 1aa light - the kind you'd see hanging on a hook at kbtoys but figured it was going to be about as useful as a cellphone and wasn't worth the extra weight just to do a comparison. instead, we ended up taking a u2, an arc lsh-p, a couple cr2 ions and a backup supply of batteries. the rest of the arsenal stayed home.

when we bought our tickets, the cashier barked, "flashlights are required!" and shoved a box of $5 lights in front of me. i was a tad confused and wondered if she meant that it was mandatory to purchase a light but declined after realizing that our lights weren't visible as they were tucked away in our pockets.

as we waited in a large clearing/staging area for it to get dark enough, i surveyed the other 50 or so early arrivals. there was quite a large array of incans, mostly of the 2aa handheld and lantern variety. one guy had a club sized mag sticking out of his back pocket. in all honesty, it didn't look like there were any flashaholics present as 70-80% of the crowd was comprised of kids.

around 7pm, they dropped the chain and started letting folks into the maze for the night portion. as others have mentioned, you really don't need a lot of light in a corn maze. i'm sure most people were perfectly fine with whatever they were carrying. all of the lights we brought were more than sufficient and we kept them on low most of the time so as not to ruin the atmosphere. on long, straight paths and bridges, i'd crank the u2 up to 6 and while impressive, it was still just row after row of corn. i can see why mazes need to add little puzzles to keep it interesting.

some other observations,
- if you're wearing headlamp, aim it slightly downwards instead of directly ahead. i was blinded a couple times and was tempted to blast the offenders.
- at larson's, and probably other mazes, they make someone in your group carry a long flag pole in case you need help getting out. this means one less hand for holding a flashlight. it also makes walking side by side difficult and if you walk single file then only one person really gets to use their light.
- we didn't get lost very much and the extra batteries were completely unnecessary especially since we had multiple lights.
- we saw at least two parents pushing their kids in strollers (!?!!)

towards the end, we came across a party of 4 adults relying on a single led that was about as bright as a dim photon 1. we bumped into them twice, hopelessly trying to read the puzzle boards. the cr2 ion on high was enough to make them start referring to us as "the powerful flashlight people." :)

by the time we exited the maze, just after 8pm, a HUGE crowd was waiting outside. most of the lines were for the haunted maze which we didn't try. all in all, a worthwhile trip to the danbury area. those with bigger lights can probably leave them at home.
I intend to go to the Maize Maze at Alton Towers, Staffordshire. Should be a good chance to pull out a few of my favourites. LED Lenser David 15, Fenix P1D-CE, Fenix L1T V2.0, Fenix P1D-CE Premium Q5, Mag 2D ROP-LO, Mag 2D ROP-HI (yes, I will be carrying them all).

However, I do not want to spoil the mood, so I'll take a Minimag 2AA for general use.
That's an awesome story! There is a corn maze around an hours drive from here - I'll have to check if they operate at night!
when we bought our tickets, the cashier barked, "flashlights are required!" and shoved a box of $5 lights in front of me.

LOL, great description. I love going on family outings and dealing with one or two rude people like that. Let me guess, that box of $5 lights was really a box of $1 lights they were trying to get five for.


There's one decent looking corn maze here in the L.A. area, it's at Forneris Farms. I think I'll check it out next weekend with the wife and a coupla friends. Thanks for the post & reminder of one of Halloween's greatest adventures!
Originally posted by
LOL, great description. I love going on family outings and dealing with one or two rude people like that. Let me guess, that box of $5 lights was really a box of $1 lights they were trying to get five for.
i wasn't sure if she was being tricky or simply highlighting that lights were required for the night maze. i glanced at the box briefly but not carefully enough to tell what kind of lights they were. they sort of had the shape of an inova but were teal colored and plasticky.

in all fairness, they say that all proceeds from the lights are donated to charity.
My inlaws have such a business in NE Arkansas. They rent flashlights for $3, get $2 back when you return it (dirt cheap dollar store lights). I always take far more power when we go, which is most weekends during October.

They also have a haunted forest and haunted barn. Let's not go there. Lots of people leave cell phones, shoes, and purses--and are unwilling to go back in! I've been through in the daylight, without the haunters. Good enough for me.

I really get a kick out of the weak lights people take. I generally take a Gerber LX 3 or Surefire L1 (the older version with Lux 3), although I've taken an Inova T1 also. The LX3 is the most practical most of the time--too wide a beam and you get blinded by reflections, too narrow and you can't see.

Last year my daughter (4 at the time) wanted to go through the kids maze in the dark. She got scared and we had to go back. Knowing the farm fairly well, we took the path by the pond. Most people avoid it in the dark, but it's not a bad path. We heard a big splash in the pond--must've been a good-sized fish. Need to go find out. I need more throw--the LX3 lacked the umph to see what caused the splash.

Anyway, if you're interested in going, let me know. Not many days left. Also, lots of times I run the grill on Saturdays, so come have one of my special burgers.
I took the family to Larson's as well last week, but we did the "Haunted" maze instead. As I am new to flashaholism, my family wasn't aware of my new "collection" and I brought all my lights along. My wife took the Fenix P1D-CE, I took the Novatac 85T and my boys each had a AA Cree from DX. Of course, in the haunted maze you are not supposed to bring/use lights and we were good about it--but were prepared nonetheless in case one of the "zombies" was to attack...;). Anyway, my wife ended up asking if she could keep the P1D-CE in her purse going forward, thereby vindicating (in my feeble mind) my addiction.

Larson's is a lot of must be in CT as well?
My wife received a couple tickets for the Haunted Graveyard at Lake Compounce here in CT and now that I stumbled upon this thread, I'm considering the corn maze at Larson's instead. Has anyone gone to both or would recommend one over the other? We plan on going to one this weekend (most likely Saturday), but now I don't know which. :ohgeez:

Larson's is a lot of must be in CT as well?
nyc. it wasn't too bad a drive up 684. does anyone know of comparable night mazes in the area?

My wife received a couple tickets for the Haunted Graveyard at Lake Compounce here in CT and now that I stumbled upon this thread, I'm considering the corn maze at Larson's instead. Has anyone gone to both or would recommend one over the other? We plan on going to one this weekend (most likely Saturday), but now I don't know which. :ohgeez:

do you want to use your lights or do you want to be frightened?
i think there was some warwick corn maze doing a night maze on oct 26. i forget the town. it's west of woodbury commons outlet.

there was one in nyc area. in floral park, queens county corn maze but they only did the night time on oct 13,14.

the schmitt farm(haunted maze) one in li is real bad. long waits for the ticket and to get in the maze(they throttle the crowd). like 10 minutes through a fake maze with kids in ski masks. pretty lame.
i think we're going to hit our local corn maze this week, it's the L1 on low and the arc aaa going with me. P2D in pocket (as always) just in case.
Thanks, nice story (ies)! What a good time to use/test your lights and have a fun (and show off), I think I'll look for one in the area :)