Last light for a while


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2008
So i just got my insight typhoon 2 in the mail today. got a pretty good deal $140 shipped. I just fired it up tonight and i really like it alot. the beam is pretty tight and the strobe is very annoying (which is a good thing). When ramping up and down levels there seems so be a lack of smoothness but it still is a really cool light :D
last light for a while? Have to agree there, decided i was going slightly overboard and started selling off most of the DX lights that i had, am only retaining my first Ultrafire C3 single mode, the rest have been sold off (not that i had that many to begin with)

I'm left with:-

Jetbeam Jet I Mk II
Jetbeam Jet II Pro IBS
Jetbeam Jet III Pro ST
Modded Hugsby B2 (fitted a 7.4 volt Xenon)
Fenix E01
Fenix LD01 (on the way)
Lummi Raw NS (also on the way)
Minimag with Nite Ize drop in (given to dad)
3D Mag with stock 3W LED drop in
Sleeper cheapo 2AA light modded to take 2x14500 and a 7.4 volt 10W Xenon bulb
Aurora WF-600
I don't have the flashlight 'bug', thank god. I don't go out at night enough to justify buying so many. After I work up enough money to finish my ROP I'm done for a while.

...although... those stainless bezels for mags look pretty nice

....and... maybe a Malkoff for my 6P would be nice.

I said last light for awhile about 50 lights ago. Your results may vary. :poke: :D :devil: :nana: :party: :ohgeez:
Last light for awhile....
ya i went a lil crazy there. fenix pd20, nitecore ex10, typhoon 2, couple g2's and some malkoffs.. damn that was a rough patch
Same goes for me. I really can't afford anymore for a while, but my 6P arrived today and I can see me wringing out my wallet for a Malkoff.... :shrug:
I got a couple on order and after receive them I'm really done for a while until something revolutionary comes out. No really, with the c$ down the drain quality lights are getting too expensive anyway.
Maybe if you write it 500 times, you know like the teacher used to make you write
"I will not talk", well, at least you couldn't order another one while you were writing.
I purchased my last two for awhile back in November.
I mostly buy from B&M stores because of the drop in the Canadian dollar and selection is not that great, but I also don't buy overly expensive lights anyway.

Now I've switched to modding some of the ones I have instead of buying more.

I've also caught the SAK bug, which has diverted my attention away from flashlights a bit.
I'm waiting for a Mako, purchased in December. That will be my last light for a while. I have bought some batteries and two battery holsters this year. But technically they're not lights. :sssh:
LOL! :thinking::grin2:

McGimzo has cured me of flashaholism......... I ONLY buy McGizmo's!!! :twothumbs:twothumbs
LOL! :thinking::grin2:

McGimzo has cured me of flashaholism......... I ONLY buy McGizmo's!!! :twothumbs:twothumbs

McGizmo's lights are great! I own a couple of them, too. But when you spend over $400 for a single light, it will of necessity be the last light for a while.:broke:

I got a couple on order and after receive them I'm really done for a while until something revolutionary comes out. No really, with the c$ down the drain quality lights are getting too expensive anyway.

LOL, with the world economy circling the drain, I'm in the same boat. Only so many variations on the Q5 I can justify. I'm waiting for more R2 options. However, just did get a LumenFactory P60 upgrade, so that was nice.

have WAY too many expenses right now, plus a few things I'm still trying to save up for, to justify any more lights. For at least... oh... a year or so.

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