Latest LED Lego Lights


Oct 10, 2007
Great South Bay, LINY
Here are 2 of my favorite recent lego lights:


On top, a round-body Surefire 6P with a LeefGrip. An SRTH turbohead on the front with a Cree XP-G Turbo Tower inside, and a clicky on the tail.

Below it, an FM FinHead bezel with an SST-50 3-stage drop-in, on a WG6D 2x123 body and an E2D tailcap.
It's a hot thrower. The tower is single stage, and runs on up to 6V, so I run it on 2x primary 123s, which is noticeably brighter than a single 17670. Somewhere, I have a black TC with two-stage guts. Once I find it, I'll give it a try.
Donn has all the coolest toys :thumbsup:

How does the SRTH head compare with the KT1 or KT2 in terms of throw
with a LED Tower ?

Just had a look at the G&R website .... Arrgg, they dont ship overseas :(

what is that body C head and E tail

WG6D 2x123 body is sold where? I like the look of it and love that Turbohead mini thrower you got.:thumbsup:
i've really been getting into lego lights and modding the lights i have over the past few months. my mods are still rather primitive, nothing more than trying different pill reflector combinations and boring the opening larger when needed. i'm not sure if this is my 1st "Lego" light but it definitely falls w/in the definition better than anything else i've come up with.

its a TLS TX3 turbohead (extricated the XR-E pill in a rather violent manner, they epoxied the hell out of it), a FiveMega Megalennium host 1x26650 and an SST-50 DD, 3 mode from Nailbender. the only mod i had to make was boring the reflector so the SST-50 had clearance.


i've had this for almost 2 weeks now...the beam profile is absolutely flawless. the hotspot-to-spill transition is seamless and it out throws every light i have except my Catapult, DBS w/ XR-E and SR90 (but that one doesn't really count). this isn't originally what i had in mind. i was banking on using the TX3 w/ a C-M adaptor, both from OpticsHQ (i was lucky enough to get the last head and adapter they had) and then run the lamp w/ a Solarforce host and 18650 until Five Mega had some more 1x26650's D26 hosts. i didn't even know the Megalenniums existed until a couple weeks ago. i stumbled across his sales thread and sent PPal a few minutes later.