LD10 or ????


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2008
How does the ld10 do with the 14500? I like fenix just because of the fact I ran my l1t for 2 years now with many drops including some over 8 feet onto concrete and still runs great. Otherwise I would consider others like the jet1 pro but I like having a holster as I use it everyday for work and dont want it in my pocket.
Forgot to add are there any where you can add a section to make it run on 2aa?
You tell me.

ld10 14500 (seems to be ok, don't take my word for it)
ld10 extender tube (no)

Not to discourage you, but these aren't hard-to-find answers. Now, "Where is a good place to buy these?" and "How much of a problem is the heat?" That's a question I can't answer since I don't have an LD10.

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IVe seen shots of the jetbeam with the warm led and like it, but I read it will have less light output, anyone have numbers or know how significant the difference will be between the Jet I Pro w/IBS V3 with R2 vs. the warm version
It will be about a 30% output hit I believe, but imo it is well worth it! :thumbsup:

You can't really discern that much difference at all unless you are doing successive ceiling bounce tests, the warm white often looks brighter due to better colour rendition even if it is putting out less overall lumens..
Hmm so with 30% less lumens that would put it from 145 down to about 100 which would be close to my L1T which I believe was rated at 98 lumens. I read the xr e are not as efficient as the xr G is this true?
The Fenix LD10 is great and I'm only judging by my older Q5 one. I'd settle for the LD10 in a flash if thats all I could have.

Consider the Quark Tactical, its fully up to date LED wise and can be setup to work exactly like your L1T.

Get a spare 2xAA tube and you have the option of longer runtime and higher max output.
Its like the L1T with the added bonus of choosing your levels.
I have not carried my Leatherman version of the L1T since I got my quark tactical.
Both are excellent but the Quark can do it all with 14500 too.
My old or current l1t v.2 has cree Q2. The more I look at it even with all the hype and rave over the jetbeam the fenix ld10 xpg r4 seems better for efficiency, run time, output etc especially since I probably wont run 14500 cells just rechargeable and disposables. I wonder can anyone tell me how the color of thses new xpg will look compared to myold Q2
I wonder can anyone tell me how the color of thses new xpg will look compared to myold Q2

I don't think anyone could tell you for certain for one because of the tint lottery, and not only with the R4 but also with what you have now. I have a LD10 R4 and two PD30 R4's and they all have the same looking tint, kind of white with a very slight hint of mint green. That also is another problem what I see as a slight hint of green you may not see it the same way I do and call it pure white- or mint green only, heck you might even see it as cool white or the tint might actually even be cool white with that particular LD10 R4. :thinking:

I hope that makes some since I may have even confused myself trying to get my thought across.
Sooo how come the LD10 with R4 is rated at 130 max lumens but the quark aa R5 is only at 110, isnt the r5 supposed to be brighter? Also the Fenix has a longer runtime even with the higher output???
Sooo how come the LD10 with R4 is rated at 130 max lumens but the quark aa R5 is only at 110, isnt the r5 supposed to be brighter? Also the Fenix has a longer runtime even with the higher output???

47's rates minimum out the front lumens
Hi I have both the LD10 & LD20 .The LD10 is a R4 & the LD20 is a Q5. I prefer the Q5 over the R4 as it has a smooth reflector which throws shadows and is a whiter light. But you can simply buy a LD 20 body to accept 2xAA's for longer runtime & more output.
Give Eagletac a shot, they're due to release their PC20A which, if past lights are any indication will be the hardest driven AA. I think the release has been pushed back a few months.

Full disclosure: I am waiting for this light to be released to get a new single AA light.
47's rates minimum out the front lumens

Are you implying fenix not OTF rating?
I wonder how much more the eagletac could put out, I mean isnt the problem to getting more light how hard you can push the battery, other than if theres another big leap in the LED emiters.
I too recommend the Quark. It will run just like your L1T except the modes can change to whichever 2 you want. It is fully regulated and you will get all modes on 14500. As well, if you do run 14500 on the R5 version you will get over 200 lumens out the front in max mode. I highly recommend it, I've had one since Christmas and I love it.
I've read many posts of users disappointed by their Quarks due to the loose threads and preflash, its difficult to recommend because of this. I would really like to get the Quark AA XPG, but they have to fix these things first.

Eagletac has a reputation for driving their LEDs hard, prices that beat their competition, great quality lights, lifetime warranty and great customer service. I am definitely in the market for a single AA EDC, there is no way I am making up my mind until I see what eagletac fields.

I am far from an Eagletac fanboy, I don't have a single one of their lights. But their reputation here tells me that they should be considered in any conversation which mentions 2xcr123, AA, 2xAAs.
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I've read many posts of users disappointed by their Quarks due to the loose threads and preflash, its difficult to recommend because of this. I would really like to get the Quark AA XPG, but they have to fix these things first.

Eagletac has a reputation for driving their LEDs hard, prices that beat their competition, great quality lights, lifetime warranty and great customer service. I am definitely in the market for a single AA EDC, there is no way I am making up my mind until I see what eagletac fields.

I am far from an Eagletac fanboy, I don't have a single one of their lights. But their reputation here tells me that they should be considered in any conversation which mentions 2xcr123, AA, 2xAAs.
spoken as someone who has never handled any of them to know what they are actually talking about. :whistle:
spoken as someone who has never handled any of them to know what they are actually talking about. :whistle:
I resent that implication, and if you have doubts about my objectivity I welcome you to check all and any of my posts. Furthermore, I only encouraged Eagletac as an option which ought to be considered nothing more. As I can only speak from personal experience, I cannot give a review of any specific Eagletac model and do not pretend to do so. I can only offer what I have learned from other posters and their reviews, which have shaped my perception on the whole eagletac line and I wholeheartedly welcome any substantiated corrections to that perception.

In the interest of full disclosure I have a Quark 1232-tac first run model and could not bring myself to send it back. The tac UI is very good, unfortunately the light itself is far from prefect and it seems that few people bring this up when continuously recommending the light. I would readily buy an upgrade should any of the addressed issues become corrected.
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