LED drop-in for KT2?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 1, 2007
Hey Guys,

My go to light is the surefire C2/C3 I want to increase the versatility of it by getting some more throw out of it. I also have the a19 extender so I can run up to 12V ( 123 primaries are what I usually use, but also have 17670s)

My question is: Are there any LED drop ins for a KT2? or is there a different head configuration that will allow similar results to an mn03 in the KT2, I like the balance of flood and throw with the KT2.

Also are there any incan bulbs I can run at 12V that will fit the KT2 :candle:

Thanks guys
Modders occansionally sell some LED tower modules that will drop right into a KT2 or KT4 turbohead. I've had a board member build me a pair of them, and it really broadens the usefulness of the turbohead. You can have a LED module for long runtimes and reasonable output, and then have a 1000 lumen screamer of an incan bulb when output is important.

For incan bulbs, the Surefire MN60 and MN61 will fit the KT2. Lumens Factory makes the HO-M6R, which is a 12v bulb. Fivemega has occansional runs of his MN tower module, which allows the use of common bipin bulbs to be used in KT2 and KT4 heads.

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